What Hans Christian Anderson fairy tale books have you and rest of this generation been reading.
The main boomer generation wasn't all the same - Very few of the country lived in London where pay was much higher than anywhere else in UK and they down there bought their council houses and sold them for big prices - That had a knock on for whole of UK and prices increased although pay stayed lower here.
We could never have had a council house as we didn't have kids so we rented furnished then unfurnished - we then saver for a deposit on a house and at one point interest rate hit 12%+ and my income didn't cover the mortgage so good job wife worked.
From there it's as my OP above.
So when I retired 23 yrs ago and collected my whacking great final salary pension I was ovewhelmed.
On retirement my salary was 2/3rds of the national average so being clever work that out then half it for my pension -Now see how much it is after 23 yrs of inflation and I can tell you the girl over the road that works at Tesco picks up more than me.
The wife and I like a lot of the people of our age who did buy their own houses were the same as me - Property owner but not rich by any means. We don't buy things we can't afford - we never took out debt but saved for it - Not quite like this gen who "WANT'S IT NOW.
The wifes parents bought their council house for around 50k and it sold for £120k when they died years later. - that was divided by two. (her sister)
I just wish you lot would look at the whole picture not the tasty bit's you pick out to support your flawed argument.
The NHS did indeed work but we the boomers didn't vote in smarmy face Bliar who opened up this country to the scum of the world - How can something work when another 4million are added to the list but not paying in - of course it is broke.
Your gen has so many funny groups who are managing to force the police to change the way they work.
Our life wasn't easy - we worked hard day in day out and made do - nothing wife and I had was handed to us on a plate -we worked for it. We couldn't even afford a washing washine when we got our first house -we had a wishy washy ringer machine given to us -Would you accept that today -I very much doubt you would.
Anyway do what we did and work hard -do overtime -save your money -don't go on expensive holidays -don't waste it on trivia -buy a left hand drive Citroen 2CV like we did - or a rusty DAF 44 or Fiat Panda. And main thing -Don't have kids unless you can afford them - I have spent my life paying family allowance for other peoples kid and now I am subsidising child care. Can't you all pay your own way and save me a bit of tax.
My car is a 13 yr old Focus.
And here is the voice of how it actually is for the majority of us boomers .
I was flamed for all the millennials moaning about not getting on the housing ladder and prices were to high when I told them how they could very easily get on the ladder - but no you all thought you were entitled to buy a house up the road in suburbia on you combined £50k wages and still have your mokachocafrappylatte every morning from Starbucks without saving any money!
Unless you have a gold plated trust fund ( majority don’t ) it’s just called hard graft - end of.
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