How the Titanic was built

I had a sinking feeling this might be another joke. Frankly it was a titanic let down. Maybe it's time for Feek to get a life. Boat time for me to bow out of this thread. Sea you all later.
What do you get when you cross the Atlantic with the Titanic? About half way.

What did the Ice berg say to the Titanic? I'd hit that.

If you were on the Titanic and you didn’t leave the ship, what would you do? Just let that sink in.

My grandfather was there when the Titanic sank. He shouted 3 times that it was gonna sink. Then they finally kicked him out of the cinema.

*The Titanic is sinking* Passenger: How far are we from land? Captain: Two miles. Passenger: Which direction? Captain: Down.

There was a magician on board the Titanic and said that he could make anything disappear. Once the ship had gone down, one of the passengers asked: "Go on, so what did you do with ship then?"
I watched a similar documentary on the building of the Hindenburg

At first it seemed like it might be a let-down, but by the end it caught fire.
thought thread was going to be allegorical story of british economy construction then hitting one of the available B words.
The Titannic was a sunk cost.

Is this thread about ships master baiting?
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