How to choose the best headphones for myself

Rroff.... Slow? What do you mean? Lack of treble or?

Not sure what the technical explanation is but the 600s have an "unhurried" sound which I don't find works so well when you are trying to quickly and precisely react to sound cues ingame compared to some headphones which sound faster.

I don't understand how anyone could rate the X1/X2 above 650's but each to their own, the bass is really bloated on them and they lack detail. It's very strange the hype they get on forums like this and reddit as outside of those I rarely ever see them recommended.

Usually because they amped them with something with poor synergy - I was testing a few designs and there can be quite a difference especially those amps with lower rail voltage or slow slews rates can be lacking in driver control despite getting the 600 series loud.
When people talk about the 600 series being slow I imagine they are talking about the bass bloat. They are pretty quick and resolving in the treble more so than most headphones in the under 2k price bracket. They can sometimes sound a bit, thick for games especially in direct comparisons to the leaner, more open and airy K7 series. I can't imagine anyone having issues with comparisons though. The 600 series are very source dependant headphones and scale with better equipment.
Granted a lot of it is bass/lower mid-range but I find like my Momentums and some of the AKGs. etc. are much more "on the attack" than my 600s - like vocals on my 600s are relatively thick and "lilting" which doesn't translate well for game use where there is overlap with game audio and that signature.
I prefer headphones that have an upper mid dip like the HD800 for gaming to create a sense of space. The HD600 series while having more complete mids don't do this and can sound more upfront so I get what you mean - I think more forward mids don't really help that sense of space and distance.
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