how to declare vehicle SORN without V5 and without the vehicle?

12 Feb 2006
my own fault, but totally forgot about vehicle tax due to it being a direct debit thing. but any way we had a work van hit into and insurance took it away and decided it was not worth repairing so gave the money for it and done, i chucked away the V5.

same thing then for a work car a few weeks later, they decided not worth fixing, give money and done. i put the v5 in bin.

now it hit me that the vehicles are taxed and i can get unspent months back.

i tried to SORN online but it needs the V5. I tried to get a new V5, but it needs the VIN, which is inside the vehicle that's now gone :p

anyone know what I can do?
What you should have done is formally transfer the registered keeper status to the insurance company, which would have automatically triggered the process to refund your tax. As it stands you have no idea where these vehicles, that you are still legally responsible for, are so how can you honestly make a declaration that they are not being used on the road?
Yup true. I didn't even consider as was first time I've had this, and while the first claim was concluding, the second happened, so the busy of the 2nd didn't make me consider all the steps from the first. Plus surely insurance should have got us to do this any way.
Can always try calling up the insurers, act dumb and tell them that you still haven’t had the tax refund back, can they confirm that he vehicles have either been scrapped or sold on and see what they say
Can always try calling up the insurers, act dumb and tell them that you still haven’t had the tax refund back, can they confirm that he vehicles have either been scrapped or sold on and see what they say

When it's sold/transfered, does the vehicle tax auto come back any way without my input?

Don't hold me to this but I believe it should. But, anything involving the 'duvvluh' can rapidly turn into a screw-up so maybe it would need chasing.
you shouldn't be sorn'ing it you should be informing the DVLA that it has been transferred to the motor trade...if you don't have the V5 anymore there are instructions here for what you need to put in a letter to the DVLA.

If you sorn the vehicle and it is caught on the road you are the one that is up the proverbial creek as you are still the registered keeper.

You need to check with your insurer if it there details or the details of their salvage agent you should be providing to the DVLA, however they should have also told you this when settling the claim.

Please also be aware that it is an offence for a vehicle to not be insurer if it is not sorn'd and therefore you will be liable here as well

Once the DVLA have removed you as the registered keeper they will automatically issue a refund for any FULL months VED remaining
just a question when ive had customers that have had vehicles written off the insurance company usually wants the document before paying out?
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