How to get a an upgrade to 3GS FREE... if you have a 3G!

26 Feb 2007
Right guys,

My mates had his iPhone 3g for about 4 months.

The other day he dropped it but it was in its case.

It has the odd mark on the case but no suggestion to dropping it etc.

However it has a couple of dead pixels.

He walked into the Apple store in Manchester and they swapped it for an iPhone 3gs straight up no questions or quibbles.

.... So drop your phone, get a couple of dead pixels and then walk into the Apple shop.

They've always replaced for dust under the screen / dead pixels.

Good luck with trying it on a 11 month old iPhone though.
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But a complete upgrade phone?

Yeah, seeing as the 3G is discontinued then it makes sense to upgrade. Obviously, this depends if they have any 16GB refurbs in stock.

I've had at least 4 replaced from dust under the screen.
The 16Gb 3G isn't discontinued though is it?

Guy at work took his 8Gb 3G into the Apple store at Lakeside yesterday because the GPS wasn't getting a lock ever and it was replaced with what looked like a spanky new 8Gb 3G although it could have been a refurb. Two weeks ago the guy who sits next to me took the protective cover off of his 8Gb 3G to put on his new 3GS and noticed cracks in the case near the dock so he went to the same Apple store and received a like-for-like replacement.

Getting a free upgrade like this is far from guaranteed especially as there's a bit of a shortage on 16Gb 3GS phones at the moment.
Also they way things work behind the scenes if we're taking one model off you you will either get the same one, or if none in stock you don't get one, there's no scope for getting an upgrade, even by paying for it, just how it works in the stores.
Also they way things work behind the scenes if we're taking one model off you you will either get the same one, or if none in stock you don't get one, there's no scope for getting an upgrade, even by paying for it, just how it works in the stores.
^^^ From someone who works in a shop

He walked into the Apple store in Manchester and they swapped it for an iPhone 3gs straight up no questions or quibbles.
^^^ As told second hand by a friend. I know which one I'm more likely to accept as being accurate! I bet he bought one then bigged himself up saying he'd got it as a freebie :)
The 16Gb 3G is gone.

Current models available

8Gb 3G
16Gb 3GS
32Gb 3GS

The nearest handset available is the 16Gb 3GS so makes sense that is what would get.

Mines 11 months old now though so am planning on letting contract run through then sit on simplicity for 6 months till the mk4 comes out, sign a 2 year contract and swap models every 2 years. Could do the 18 month and 6 months simplicity but not worth the hassle to me.
So your really only going to get a replacement 3Gs if your 3G was 16GB. If it was a 8GB 3G iPhone, they will just swap it for another 8GB 3G iPhone.
Im really finding this hard to believe, they usually give out refurbs, i hope its true as i have a white 16g 3g which has dust under the screen and cracks in the case which a genius has already said could be exchanged but i needed an appointment as they were full!
Put it this way.. my iPhone 3G is currently sat at Apple (because it bwoke :()

If they replace mine with a 16GB 3GS then I'll let you know. I'm highly skeptical ;)
Put it this way.. my iPhone 3G is currently sat at Apple (because it bwoke :()

If they replace mine with a 16GB 3GS then I'll let you know. I'm highly skeptical ;)

8 or 16gb?

Also i would think it would be more likely to get a 3gs at a store not their main depot where they have loads of refurbs?
16GB.. I had to send it away, there's no authorised repair centres or Apple stores in Wales.
8 or 16gb?

Also i would think it would be more likely to get a 3gs at a store not their main depot where they have loads of refurbs?

I'm not quite sure why people are thinking they'll get a 3GS if their 3G or 2G phone breaks :confused: you'll get it replaced with the same phone. Pretty sure I've already said this :D
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