How to get a an upgrade to 3GS FREE... if you have a 3G!

I'm not quite sure why people are thinking they'll get a 3GS if their 3G or 2G phone breaks :confused: you'll get it replaced with the same phone. Pretty sure I've already said this :D

"im really finding this hard to believe"

Think you might of missed something in one of my posts.
Put it this way.. my iPhone 3G is currently sat at Apple (because it bwoke :()

If they replace mine with a 16GB 3GS then I'll let you know. I'm highly skeptical ;)

8 or 16gb?

Also i would think it would be more likely to get a 3gs at a store not their main depot where they have loads of refurbs?

I'm probably being dense, it read like EVH was saying he was hoping his 16gb 3G would get upgraded to a 3GS. But then it read as though you were saying he has more chance of getting a 3GS if he'd taken it to a store, rather than sent it to Applecare.

However there's no chance of getting an upgrade especially from a store :)
The 16Gb 3G isn't discontinued though is it?

Guy at work took his 8Gb 3G into the Apple store at Lakeside yesterday because the GPS wasn't getting a lock ever and it was replaced with what looked like a spanky new 8Gb 3G although it could have been a refurb. Two weeks ago the guy who sits next to me took the protective cover off of his 8Gb 3G to put on his new 3GS and noticed cracks in the case near the dock so he went to the same Apple store and received a like-for-like replacement.

Getting a free upgrade like this is far from guaranteed especially as there's a bit of a shortage on 16Gb 3GS phones at the moment.

You MAY get an upgrade if there are other issues as well and you're a disgruntled customer who's had lots of problems, to placate you.

You will NOT get an upgrade otherwise.

I got a brand new 3rd Gen iPod a few months back by doing the battery replacement scheme on one. They have stock of eeeeeeeverything, just not necessarily in the stores.
just wondering if say you are getting your iphone replaced how would we go about wiping all data securely? use the app off cydia?
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