How to make High-Res textures?!??!

16 Dec 2005
Hey guys,
I am looking to get into game modding and I want to start out by making high-res skins for certain games. I have no idea how to actually texture a game, and I need somone to help me out by telling me what I need, how long etc. Is it possible to make a game like Far Cry high-res??? Because I would love to skin it, if this is not possible, can somone explain how to make high-res textures on normal games :confused:
Thank you very much
The problems are that the engine has to be able to handle the new texture size - the original Half-Life could only support 128x128 or something, yet can now use 512x512 (and higher) due to a tweak in the engine.

The other thing is that the texture is placed onto the model via coordinates. You'd need to re-map the model to make a higher-resolution images fit it correctly.

I really don't think OcUK is the place to ask - find a modelling/custom model website and check the forums there.

if you wanted to reskin farcry then good luck, the mod support for that game is really bad, and theres already high res textures for it in the 64bit version. HL2 has already been done but is a good place to start as the community is great and very helpful. Have you got photoshop cs as youll definalty need it?

Also just try reskinning some gun models to start with, if you plan to redo an entire game it would be too big a task for anyone normal:)
nO}{8 said:
if you wanted to reskin farcry then good luck, the mod support for that game is really bad, and theres already high res textures for it in the 64bit version. HL2 has already been done but is a good place to start as the community is great and very helpful. Have you got photoshop cs as youll definalty need it?

Also just try reskinning some gun models to start with, if you plan to redo an entire game it would be too big a task for anyone normal:)

Well, mainly, I don't really want to re skin, just make higher res! I have photoshop 7.0, so I'm good there, but does anyone know how to make higher res models?
dave2k2005 said:
Well, mainly, I don't really want to re skin, just make higher res! I have photoshop 7.0, so I'm good there, but does anyone know how to make higher res models?

Reskinning and making textures higher res are practically the same thing. Its not a simple case of opening the original, enlarging it and saving. Enlarging an image is what the GPU is doing already, you have to recreate the texture at a higher resolution so the detail is there. The texture coordinates shouldn't need changing since they're stored in relative terms. However, part of making a high res texture / skin will probably involve repositioning all the parts in the case of models - so, in that case the coords will have to be recreated too.

In short, what you want to do requires a team of very skilled people.

For the love of god, START SMALL. Too many young people these days want to do the greatest things in the world, fail, get disheartened and leave. Take it slow, and you'll get there. That means tutorials, books, and practice.

For the kids in school, pay attention especially in English, Science and Maths. Quadratic equations may seem pointless, but they're the very basis of truetype fonts. Trigonometry is used in almost all parts of a 3D engine. Even when dealing with quaternions, trig is still used very, very regularly. Science has physics... physics are used in the game code a lot. Newtonian laws in paticular.

Get the academic / learning version of Maya (or is it 3DSMax?) and try making some basic models in it. Eventually working up to making some basic guns. Once you've got a basic grasp of making models and texturing them, try replacing a gun in an existing game, with your own. Its harder than it sounds, but it'll be a very good stepping stone into creating your own content in games.

Again, take it slow. Don't expect to be able to do anything worthwhile straight away. My nephew is playing around with C++ and constantly takes on more than he can chew, so he leaves it for months at a time. Leaving something like this for a period of time will make you rusty and do significant damage to your learning. I suggested making a simple game using only the console (aka. DOS prompt, command line, etc.), the inevitable response 'but it'll look rubbish'. Well, the greatest programmers on Earth started with a simple 'Hello World', and the inevitable command line calculator. Slow and steady is the key.
Brilliant tips man :D Well, I've always wanted to start some modelling, so I guess I may start sometime in the next two weeks. Has anyone seen the Thief 3 texture pack? Over 500 high res skins made by 1 guy!
I would seriously recommend 3D Studio Max (it's cheap on an Education license and isn't crippled) and a far better tool for learning in than Maya (which is being overlooked now by 3D Studio Max and SoftImage XSI).
Chaos said:
Here are some books that may be of interest -

The guy who wrote these posts on cgtalk forums so you might get some handy info there.

Chaos i no this is completely of topic and i apologise to the thread starter but i just wonted to ask you what anime chaos is and do you have a link to about it as i am a big anime fan and would like to see this but can't find anything about it.

XD-3 said:
Chaos i no this is completely of topic and i apologise to the thread starter but i just wonted to ask you what anime chaos is and do you have a link to about it as i am a big anime fan and would like to see this but can't find anything about it.


Chaos isnt an anime just my Name here :)

My sig shows the Character Gara from the Anime Naruto, its a great Anime series if you havn't seen it :)
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