Prestigious.. in building maintenance. LMAO! No wonder you made it personal. Does your maintenance plan cover the building-sized ego? Hahah you'll get there
After you weigh up the pros and cons, my situation doesn't favour sticking anywhere long-term. It's either one dead end job or the next. That's been the only way to increase wages and experience. They don't offer advancement, there's no opportunity for skills development, and the alternative is the dole. Even ex-offenders get a chance at vocational-based training.
So try not to be judgemental. You don't know what I've tried to get out of this. It's very easy for me to also be judgemental on other marginalised parts of society who have more help out there for them, and that's something you have to resist, because it gets you nowhere. I am talking about marketing, not a crash course from complete strangers on basic principles.
Contracting? You mean starting a business from nothing. ..OK better off leaving it there then.