I use a script for my pages on my site
Basically if a user was to click a link for e.g. page 3 then he/she would be taken to index.php?page=3
Now, I read the guide and it said that this is unsafe.
But thats not the case with mine... unless i'm wrong.
At the end I tried putting index.php?page=
I didn't put the extension on because the script adds it automatically.
Now when I run that it just gives a PHP error and doesn't do anything.
So this script is safe if you are a person that wants to use this nice little script.
Here's the code:
<? if($page) { include("pages/$page.php"); } else { include("pages/pagenumber.php"); } ?>
So here's how you use it:
You put the code in your index file ON ITS OWN.
Then when you load the page then it will look in the file pages/pagenumber.php and display it on the index page, so you set the bit pages/pagenumber.php to point to where your index file is.
Now that you have done that your index page will display on the page with that coding in it.
Now you see the directory/$page.php bit - that tells it where to be looking for the file you specify.
So this would basically read from /directory and then display the page:
That URL would then display the file news.php from /directory.
Okay, now to change the 'page' bit you have to change these:
<? if($file) { include("directory/$file.php"); } else { include("pages/pagenumber.php"); } ?>
See how I have changed the $page at the start and the $page.php in the middle.
Now the code just above would allow you to access the file directory/filefile.php by typing in index.php?file=filefile
So basically, based on the first code i provided, you would just need to change the $page bit and the $page.php bit to have something else other than index.php?page=
The { include("pages/$page.php"); } bit just tells the php code where to look for the file you type in after the equals
for example:
That would load file1.php from the 'pages' directory.
I hope you can understand what to do for this script.
If you need any further help then please contact me through one of these:
[email protected] (signed in 24/7 unless im in game)
Yahoo: nykampcw (signed in most of the time)
[email protected] (checked daily)