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How to totally disable HDMI from carrying audio from NVIDIA GTX 1650?

20 Dec 2020
I'll start off by saying I use Linux (Ubuntu 20.04). Not sure if this will make a possible solution harder for some to suggest as i don't know how different the setup will be in windows.

Due to the limited space i have, I only have a small monitor with one HDMI input and to keep things neat, I use a 5 way HDMI switch so i can just have a single HDMI cable and the IEC lead to my monitor.

For my audio, I use USB and as that is digital audio, I struggle to understand how anything related to HDMI can interfere with that, but it does on some applications.

I use Pulseaudio to control my audio on Ubuntu and have HDMI audio set at off. But I'm guessing when i switch HDMI inputs on my HDMI switch (equivalent to unplugging and then reinserting the HDMI cable on the PC), it seems to briefly cut out the USB audio, then receives it again. But on applications like steam and when gaming and i want to change input to set something to record on my tv box for example, after i switch back to my pc, there is a load of popping and crackling that seems to have been a result of changing inputs and going back. This popping and crackling goes on for quite some time and often the system needs a reboot before it is solved. It will then be fine again until i switch input.
It only occurs while audio is being played and is just a random load of quiet/loud pops on the left or right channel. Restarting the application won't help.

I believe this has always been a problem, but has just been more noticeable recently.

I have tried a lot of things that can at least confirm several things that are not the cause which i will list below.

I've tried with 3 USB audio DACS (SMSL M3, FiiO X3 and FiiO E10) and all all have the same issue. Have also tried different USB ports. I want it to be in the USB 2.0 card i added, but I tried the normal motherboard ports as well as one from the front of the case and all are the same.

I've tried 3 different HDMI cables, both through the switch and directly to my monitor. If connected directly, unplugging it and reinserting it is what introduces this interference to the USB audio.

I've also used another HDMI switch which does the same thing when changing inputs then going back to the PC output and again, doesn't solve the issue.

I then thought I could try using a DVI - HDMI cable from my graphics card to my HDMI switch as until now, I thought no sort of DVI was even capable of carrying audio, but i then found out that the graphics card effectively sends it the HDMI signal as that is what it gets converted to at the other end and it has enough pins to also carry the audio, so this didn't solve the problem either. Same whether connected to my monitor or HDMI switch.

A DVI to DVI cable directly to my monitor obviously can't carry audio, and even when attempting to have the HDMI and VGA inputs used on my monitor and switching between inputs, the computer USB audio this time does not get messed up.

So, my thoughts are that if there was such a thing as an HDMI cable that was not capable of carrying audio, this issue likely would be gone entirely, but that isn't something I will be able to get hold of.

Something else interesting but confusing worth mentioning is that the if i select the computer audio to output through onboard audio 3.5mm ports, switching inputs on my HDMI switch doesn't interfere at all. It is almost as if the digital audio of HDMI interferes with USB as it is also digital. But I thought digital audio was supposed to be clean!

At the moment, I'm just putting up with using DVI - DVI for my PC to avoid this messed up sound occurring, but as a result, i can't use my HDMI switch remote to change inputs which is really handy. My other option is to use the onboard sound from the motherboard, but that just isn't as good as using my DACs.

Is there any way on Ubuntu of fully disabling HDMI audio so it isn't possible for the PC to even attempt to briefly switch back when the cable is inserted? I feel that is the cause of it.
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4 Feb 2006
A wuick google search would help you. Try installing Pulseaudio volume control and you should be able to disable HDMI audio from there.
20 Dec 2020
In the first bigger paragraph they mention they've tried that.

I sometimes feel i go a little overboard with my posts, but want to include everything I've done so i don't need the basic answers. But as a result, it may make it more difficult to find an answer.
20 Dec 2020
Which motherboard do you have?

I know some of the AMD B550 (and others?) have USB issues, crackly sound etc, fixed by BIOS updates.

Interesting. I have to say since getting this new machine which i got a few months back, i think even the when the audio changes sample rate, there is a slight audible pop. More noticeable than i remember it being on my old machine. Anyhow, the popping and crackling does seem a strange one as it only constantly continues after i have switched sources and returned on my HDMI or unplugged and reinserted the HDMI cable on my monitor. Very strange how this messes up USB audio.

But when you mention the motherboard, i find it interesting that you mention the B550. I have the Asus PRIME B550M-A (WI-FI). I'm not sure how i would go ahead with bios updates, but if it is true that others have usb audio issues with these, then I'm glad to hear it isn't just me. But why should HDMI cause it? Still think another way around it would be having an HDMI cable that can't carry audio!
Man of Honour
12 Jul 2005
Aberlour, NE Scotland
Have you tried downloading the latest driver and unticking the HDaudio driver and selecting clean install. Even better would be to download the clean driver without the bloatware (unless you need all that junk) and just delete the HDaudio driver before installing (select clean install).
20 Dec 2020
Can you just disable the audio drivers for the GPU like you do in windows?

This is likely what i could do with doing, but I'm not sure how to remove them in Ubuntu. I've looked in the Nvidia program.

Also may be worth doing BIOS updates as bledd mentioned, but also not sure how to do that as it may not be as simple as in windows.
Man of Honour
12 Jul 2005
Aberlour, NE Scotland
Do not update the motherboard bios in windows. Go to your motherboards web page which you can find here and download the latest bios. Version 2006 is the latest official release but there is also a 2201 beta. Personally I have never had any problems with beta bios but many prefer to stick with official version. Once downloaded unzip it and put it on a USB stick. Leave the USB stick plugged in and reboot the pc. Enter the bios and go to the tools section and use the inbuilt flashing tool (there is a shortcut on the main bios screen to go to it but I can't remember what it is now, F2 maybe?). Follow the instructions and point it towards the USB stick, confirm that you want to continue and let it do it's thing. Do not interupt the process or turn off the power. It will let you know when it's complete and then you can reboot. ***Please note flashing the bios will wipe the settings so write down any changes you have made before flashing.***

As you don't know how to flash the bios I presume the motherboard is still on the original bios that it shipped with. There have been many bios updates since your board launched, many of which are compatibility fixes so hopefully it will sort your problem out. Motherboard manufacturers are always tweaking AMD boards and there have also been several performance tweaks and performance updates with new AGESA releases so it's worth keeping the bios up to date if it's a AMD build.
20 Dec 2020
I don't have windows. Use Ubuntu as I initially mentioned. Hopefully this won't effect this as a possible fix to my issues.
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