How to use a AMP in a Pc's Sound System.

14 Apr 2008
Right, I am soon to build a new rig, and don't have any speakers.

But what I do have is a Ibanez Guitar Amp which I don't use. Now I have just been browsing the "Post Your Desk Thread" And have seen this


Now later on the poster said he had a amp underneath the desk. But I don't understand how this could be connected to the computer.

I am eager to know as it would be a quality sound system and would save me a bit of cash which could go to a better monitor etc
:( Wasn't planning on buying a soundcard .

How much Am i looking at?

And also, I still don't understand fully how it would work. I thought the amp could act as a speaker alone>
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Well thats that then :(

Well , my budget is £750. I can budge a bit on it, but that will then eat into my secondary budget for my 40" tv :(

But this includes everything , PC(Q9450,4gb ram etc) , Monitor(22" £175-200 :(), Speakers.

Its very tight at the minute and was hoping I wouldn't have to spend loads on a speaker system. But I need a really good one as I always listen to music and want it loud :)

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Yeh I could get a Q6600 i suppose.

I have just added you on MSN, please accept !! Need some help


Just priced everything up , and bar the processor it has come to £563(Monitor at £165)
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Well , with a monitor , my rig comes to £714. (with a Q6600)

So I am just over budget(£14) But i never included anything to do with speakers, and thought of just picking up some £20-£30 Pound ones.

But the more i think of it, the more I want to do this.

Also, is there any way I could use the amp and speakers for my 40" tv. That would be good also.
If you make sure that your source (TV? or Sky Box? DVD Player?), has a line output; then yeah, you can run the audio through an amplifier & speakers. This is really simple, and provides much better sounds than you'd get using your TVs built in speakers.

This is a slippery slope though; I started off looking for a 5.1 setup for ~£200 and ended up Spending ~£1000 on an AV Reciever (Onkyo TX-SR606), which goes up to 7.1, and has HDMI inputs; and some 5.1 Speakers (Quad L-ite).

Don't worry, I haven't got the cash so it wont get silly :P
None at the time, as I am getting the TV/ But I have two sony speakers that we don't use, (dad couldnt be assed changing his technics ones when he got a new hi fi)

But i am earning £30 a week , which I could then save to get more speakers or better ones.
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