How to Use a PS4 DualShock 4 Controller on a PC

16 Feb 2014
North West England

Not sure if anyone was aware as I've only just found out about this , but the software actually tricks your pc into thinking an xbox 360 controller is plugged in ! And it also allows you to utilise the track pad on the ds4 as you would on a laptop to control the cursor :)
Not everyone likes the xbox controller, I myself have hands like spades and the xbox is too small.

The DS4 works better for me.
I used this tutorial:

1) Buy an Xbox Controller

The Controller I find to be very horrible to hold.. Personal preference here!
I have owned ps1, ps2, ps3 and ps4 so that controller just fits very well with me.
I do agree though if the Xbox pad works for you then it would be better using that has its built into windows 8.1 and 10
This is also good for Windows laptops and tablets as you don't have to have the MS Wireless Receiver hanging out of a USB port making it much more portable and tidy :)
Not tried SCP but ds4windows works well. Any advantage to using SCP?

Are there many games that natively support the button mapping on a DS4 though? I'm lazy so while I prefer using a DS4 as the shape fits my hands better, remapping each game puts me off and I just use my 360 controller.
Why would you need to remap buttons? The layout, other than the trackpad, is identical.

Even though the layout is almost identical, I've still had to remap some buttons as it isn't always like for like support. I did only have a quick play though and some of those titles did not have complete 360 controller support.
I'm using the software from the link in the op , and so far I've tried crysis 3, splinter cell, tomb raider and rage, not had to touch a thing it's already done , as said other then the track pad the layout is the same , and that software tells your pc your using a 360 controller :)
I'm using the software from the link in the op , and so far I've tried crysis 3, splinter cell, tomb raider and rage, not had to touch a thing it's already done , as said other then the track pad the layout is the same , and that software tells your pc your using a 360 controller :)

Yeah just played Mortal Kombat X with it and didn't need to remap anything, guess it is only titles that don't support the 360 controller that you have to remap. Even found a neat little mod that changes the button prompts to the PS ones which is handy in a game that involves combos.
Yeah just played Mortal Kombat X with it and didn't need to remap anything, guess it is only titles that don't support the 360 controller that you have to remap. Even found a neat little mod that changes the button prompts to the PS ones which is handy in a game that involves combos.

Ah cool was it hard to apply that mod ? Do you have to do that for each game for it to work ?
Ah cool was it hard to apply that mod ? Do you have to do that for each game for it to work ?

Nope, very simple. One file to paste over in the Steam folder and it works every time you start the game. I backed up the old one but with Steam it isn't necessary as you can just reverify the files and it will download the original one.

I'd imagine there are similar mods for most games as well.
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