How to use All in One Watercoolers

OK sorry I've stopped replying tot his but I've done a little bit more looking at CPUs.
Explain why I should get the 3700X instead of the 9600K ?

10600k inbound soon and has hyper threading enabled for the same price (that was the plan)

money wise, 3700x better choice specially if gaming at 1440p and above . if you want the Lowest Min frame rate then you'll be looking at 9700k and not 9600k
So, remember I'm pairing this with a 1060 6GB, I'm guessing neither will make much difference as the bottleneck will be the gpu?
But if at some point in the future I was to stretch to a newer gpu...
I was surprised to see the userbenchmark scores that I linked to above; I thought Intel was struggling at the moment on value per performance, but the 9600k is a lot less than the 3700X...
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