How would this work then? Sata II Raided with Sata

14 Apr 2004
Right guys, I'm running very low on HD space and I swear by Samsung HDs, they're very quiet and very fast.

Now i'm considering a Samsung SP2504C 250GB Sata II HD and I'm wanting to use it on my Asus A8V Deluxe motherboard. From the sticky and my understanding I'll have no issues running this drive as a normal sata drive.

So, Could I raid it with my 160GB Samsung spinpoint? (Sata)

If so, what would you guys recommend as a set up? Raid wise and any other advice and so on.

Thanks :)
So what would you think to two 250GB Sammy's in RAID0? Would it be a lot more reliable?

I'm just thinking through the possibilties of facing some problems due to raid'ing the hard drives as just normal sata.

Is it correct in my understanding that RAID drivers are usually quick but also more prone to death, as say one drive dies, the other goes with it?
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