How would you feel if Eddie Izzard became Prime Minister?

Seriously? Lol UK is a laughing stock cos of borris.
You need technocrats for a year or 2 not a fruitloop.
does eddie izzard even identify as a she?

I'd rather Ricky Gervais or someone who seems normal and like a person you expect to meet in a pub, someone who had a normal adult life

Just look at the state of those bloody coppers, what a carry on, meanwhile down the road in Leeds men are trying to eviscerate each other with machetes.

Is a state of cheerfulness not kosher for a copa?

If EI recieved serious backing I would be extremely worried about our countries path.
Eddie Izzard tells intentionally funny jokes and seems like a decent person. The UK's more recent PM's ... you can work it out from there.

e: EI must become Prime Minister.

How would I feel? Probably OK. Given the current state of the world, he has more integrity I suspect than most politicians. Whether or not he could take the stresses of the job though is a thing to consider.

wait.... "She". Eddie is a woman now? Man I gotta keep up.
HE wouldn't traditionally be on my shortlist but these days who knows, probably would do a better job than current lot.

But she would not get iin under the current lot. She would have to be selected by Labour and they have so far not even selected a woman as leader let alone a transgender woman.

She has little to no chance verging on no chance.

(All currently pronouned correctly :rolleyes:)
That's a discussion, perhaps:

If you believe in the O G he/she caveman flex, and you lead as danE14 (when not directly in conversation with the subject), you are making  your reference as you would.

Expecting an automatic intrusion of everyones beliefs all the time is a bit more of a dickish maneuver.

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