How's it so hard to find a basic modem

16 Nov 2010
Swimming in a lake
Ok, think I might be the stupid one here.

So, just moved house and am getting PlusNet installed at the weekend. Everything online suggests that their routers will not go modem only mode. I've got a RT-AC88U that from my previous flat that is only a router without a modem.

It seems fairly sensible then that I'm going to need myself a modem to put in between the router and socket, but finding a modem on it's own seems remarkably difficult. Everything seems to be modem + router in one these days.

Is the best option here buying a cheap modem/router and turning off router mode on that? Or are there some legitimate modem only options out there?

I’m using a zyxel vmg8924 in bridge mode to my rt-ac88u and got an ac68u upstairs as a mesh node.

Are you using the standard Asus firmware or are you using merlin?
Other than the Draytek 130, best bet is still likely to pick up a used Openreach HG612 modem (can be had for £5-£15 used, or maybe you know someone who has upgraded to FTTP who no longer needs theirs)
I am still rocking an ancient HG612 that was due for the bin from someone else until I can get FTTP. Look for a v3, apparently they are the most reliable revision. You can also flash the firmware with custom software that allows you to get line stats and things. I have done this, it's very easy and I was able to troubleshoot some drop-outs in great detail (turns out it was interference from a Hive Hub sat near it - give it space as shielding isn't great!).
So, just moved house and am getting PlusNet installed at the weekend. Everything online suggests that their routers will not go modem only mode. I've got a RT-AC88U that from my previous flat that is only a router without a modem.

Just plug your router into their router and disable everything you don't want on their router.
Are the Draytek hard to get hold of now? Got a boxed one kicking around I got a couple of years ago when I thought mine was dying, never opened it because it turned out mine was fine after all. Thought it was dead money, maybe I should go on eBay as I don’t have MM access
Apologies but I'm going to bump this thread because I'm in literally the same boat. I'd like a modem which supports bridge mode so I can replace the garbage Plusnet model. I could get an ASUS DSL-AX82U but that's over £200.

From the looks of things, I could instead get either:
  • Draytek Vigor 130 (although these seem hard to find)
  • 2nd hand Openreach HG612
and then buy the ASUS RT-AX82U (no built in modem but much cheaper).

Would you say that's reasonable?
Buy a Huawei HG612 from eBay for under £20 delivered. I would still get a DrayTek at a later date just so you aren't relying on a ~8 year old used modem, but there's no other sensible options around.
Buy a Huawei HG612 from eBay for under £20 delivered. I would still get a DrayTek at a later date just so you aren't relying on a ~8 year old used modem, but there's no other sensible options around.

Thanks for the quick reply. So I can see that I can get the router for £85 on HUKDs, and the HG612 on eBay for ~£14; let's call the whole thing £100.

So the question is, is it really worth the faff for a £100 saving (since I could get the DSL-AX82U for around £200)?
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