How's my workout / diet?

Thanks for the suggestions CW. I actually took a week off only three weeks back anyway after I had my big toenail removed so I had a week of no weights and no running. I think my wife was a bit sick of seeing me around the house to be honest :p

On Friday I managed to squeeze your 5x5 workout A into my lunchbreak. For the first time in ages I have actually felt my muscles ache after doing a workout! I struggled a bit on the chin ups because I don't usually do them but I suspect next time will be a little easier. Should I stick to the 5x5 or start next week with the higher reps workouts in your opinion?

Thanks again :)
Clark Nova said:
Oh, I meant to say this isn't the order that I do the exercises in more like the order that they popped into my head as I was trying to remember what I do in the gym. :D

There's a problem right there.
You shouldn't have to "remember" you should have been able to copy it straight from your training log. You should write down what you do for each session.

I know some people who will fill a side of A4 with their training/diet/emotions/what happened in the day, so they can see how to improve their training.
oddjob62 said:
There's a problem right there.
You shouldn't have to "remember" you should have been able to copy it straight from your training log. You should write down what you do for each session.

I know some people who will fill a side of A4 with their training/diet/emotions/what happened in the day, so they can see how to improve their training.

I didn't have it with me at the time. I keep a training log though and record all of the exercise that I do from day to day including weights, reps, rest time etc.
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