HP Microserver Gen10 CPU issues

1 Aug 2018
[/URL][/IMG] Hi Folks,

I am hoping that you can help with an issue I am having with my new HP Microserver Gen 10. Apologies if I am posting in the wrong place.

The microserver CPU is constantly running at 100%. It occasionally dips but normally is maxed out. I have build the server from new using Samsung SSD drives in a Raid 1 configuration initially. I have also tried the following.

1. Single SSD with windows 10 Pro

2. Single SDD with Server 2016

3. Raid 1 with Server 2016.

4. Single SATA with Windows 10 pro.

I have updated the firmware. I have downloaded all the latest drivers from HP's portal.

I have tried to get support from HP but they are providing one excuse after another to explain why they cant support the server. Currently the server is about a month or so old.

HP Support responses..

1. Windows 10 isn't supported.. ( Despite having windows 10 drivers for this server on their portal)

2. SSD drives are not supported

3. SATA drives are not supported unless they have HP branding. ( The Gen 10 is being sold on Amazon with Western Digital drives included)

We have tried killing of several services in Windows 10 as per articles that we have found online. We have set the Virtual Memory to refresh on reboot.

None of the above have achieved anything.

As a result of the CPU running constantly at 100% the system is unbearably slow and cant be used to run even the most basic of tasks.

It looks like we have been left holding an expensive tin box.

Any help or advice at this point would be greatly appreciated.

Kind Regards


So just what is running at 100%? A look in Task Manager/Processes should show the culprit.
It looks like you've floundered around trying lots of things without ever actually looking for the cause of the problem.

I have tried to get support from HP but they are providing one excuse after another to explain why they cant support the server. Currently the server is about a month or so old.

You'll struggle to get support from HP seeing as they now only make printers and laptops. HPE is the support centre you're after.

As snapshot says, grab a screenshot of task manager with the CPU at 100% and post it up here. It would be very unusual for a hardware problem to be causing CPU consumption to hit 100%. (Unless there was an iffy driver/firmware - but on a device straight from factory, this would be unlikely).

Is it currently running a stock Windows OS, or is it a custom Windows OS preloaded with apps? Are there any apps that have been installed? What are you using the server for?

It sounds to me like you've possibly got a stray process that's not behaving correctly, whether that's default from the Windows OS, or something you've already installed. Again we'll need to see a screenshot to see the offending process.
Just to clarify.

The process list shows no process taking up a large amount of cpu cycles. This is of course one of the first things we checked and had the solution been this simple I would not have posted. Three of my engineers have worked on this issue extensively and I can confirm that no 'floundering' was involved in our diagnosis of the issue..
So how do you know it's running at 100% if task manager isn't showing any running at 100%.

I'd check that processes from all users are shown, or dip into resource manager and start logging historical CPU usage to try and pinpoint which process or device is hogging your CPU.
Hi Folks

Can someone advise on the best way to upload images to this forum. I would like to share the screen dump of my resources showing the CPU at 100% and also showing a list of processes all taking no resources.. kind regards.
Hi Folks

Can someone advise on the best way to upload images to this forum. I would like to share the screen dump of my resources showing the CPU at 100% and also showing a list of processes all taking no resources.. kind regards.
They need to be on the web somewhere so you can get a URL to use here. Imgur, as #Chri5# suggests, or Flickr are often used. I have a folder in my domain web space that I use. Then you just click on the Image button (next to the Smilies button above the edit window) and paste in the URL.
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If you post fully what you've done and the results then someone might help. As it is there's nowhere to start. You've posted the same insufficient evidence plea for help on several forums now.
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