HP vs Dell servers

on that note im still waiting on a fix/replacement for a Laptop that burnt out its usb c port over a month ago. Not to mention the 3 month lead time on some desktops that we eventually gave up on and went elsewhere.

Just to quote myself but as an example of HP support, this laptop is still faulty 2 months after raising a ticket and still no sign of resolve. for ref the laptop is 4 months old.
Its been a real eye opener as there are no escalation processes in place.

They did offer to extend the warranty for 3 months :rolleyes:
Never had a huge amount of issues with either - main issue with Dell lately was trying to update their Lifecycle Controllers / BIOS etc - we're a bit old school and the FTP site simply stopped working mid-way through our upgrade process which meant I would have to travel to our DCs down South to do this. Stability with both HPE and Dell have been fine, for End User equipment I definitely prefer Dell especially with their enterprise warranty where you get an engineer on site same day or next day at latest.
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