HST silliness deload - oh how I LOL'ed!

Day 2 of 5s

Shed load of mobility work - was feeling tight and really not in a good state to do any training. However a bit of functional movements, box jumps, medicine ball slams and a few hip opening movements.

Onto the nitty gritty.

Excluding warm ups:

Deadlifts: 200*5*3
OHP: 65*5*3 - felt surprisingly good
Squats: 165*5*3
Incline DB Press: 45*5*3
T-bar rows: 95*5*3
Pull ups: 20(111kg)*5*3

Ran out of time and energy for anything else.

Volume: 10,215kg

Less volume than 10s, but bloody hell it feels harder!
Can't remember what I did for day 3 :o Thought I had written it down but I didn't! :o

Monday was day 4.

Again 3 sets of 5.

Squats: 170
Glute bridges: 130
Bench: 127.5
BORs: 110
Chin ups: 25kg
Tricep overhead cable extension: 40
Handstand shoulder press - I actually did 4 sets of these.
Very tough today.

Deads: 205*5*3
OHP: 72.5*5*3 (had to push press the last rep)
Step ups: 100*5*3 // Box jumps @ 45"
Incline DB: 42.5*5*3
DB Rows: 50*5*3
Pull ups: 30*5*3
Dips: 40*5*3

Volume: Only 8,100kg but the effort was obscene
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