Apologies for the poor quality, I had to use my phone as the camera battery appears to of died.
First up, the 3mm plate with the holes cut for the fans. It's a slightly knarly offcut that's scratched up a bit but it will get painted satin black to match the case so not too much of a problem. The fixing holes through the centre line have M3 threaded plates fitted as there are no fixings in the radiator across here;
Fans attached to the plate. The forward two fans are slim ones to clear the Blu-ray drive. I might be able to replace one of these with a full width fan and trim it's corner;
And with the radiator attached with the outer screws through the fans;
Side view. Fan cables will need tidying/wrapping;
I'll add some photos soon of how it looks on the case to give a better idea of the point of this!
I could do with some input on the best way to plumb it in, as the big rad will be above the pump/res. I'm currently thinking to go into the big rad first from the pump, and return via one of the cooling blocks (probably CPU as it's the lowest point) to stop it draining back to the reservoir when the pump stops. I think maybe the XSPC res top doesn't return to the open part in the top of the res anyway so it may not matter.
Still to do is the holes for the hoses to pass through the plate and then I'll check it all fits OK before finishing it off with the counter bored holes to mount the plate onto the case.