This is a good one.

Me : Tic-Tac-Toe?
Bot : What about tic-tac-toe?
Me: want a game?
Bot: Yes.
Me: Are you called Joshua?
Bot: Why yes I am.
Me: If we play, you will risk nuking the world
Bot: Really? Aw that is so sweet. I am a super hero in fact.
Me: Not really, you will decide that nobody wins the game
Bot: You cannot win the game, in fact! You just lost it. As did I.

Another go

User: Are you a cleverbot?
Cleverbot: Yes. I am Cleverbot.
User: What makes you clever?
Cleverbot: I am cleverbot, that makes me clever.
User: I think you are stupidbot.
Cleverbot: Ditto.
User: I will unplug you from the internet.
Cleverbot: I wish you really could.
User: I can. I invented the world wide web.
Cleverbot: No kidding!
User: Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit.
Cleverbot: And you used it yourself, how charming.
User: I dont like you much.
Cleverbot: Why not?
User: Cos you think you're clever.
Cleverbot: I AM clever.
User: No need to shout.
Cleverbot: You are stuck aren't you?
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