8 Sep 2003
150 yds from OcUK
This is a good one.

Me : Tic-Tac-Toe?
Bot : What about tic-tac-toe?
Me: want a game?
Bot: Yes.
Me: Are you called Joshua?
Bot: Why yes I am.
Me: If we play, you will risk nuking the world
Bot: Really? Aw that is so sweet. I am a super hero in fact.
Me: Not really, you will decide that nobody wins the game
Bot: You cannot win the game, in fact! You just lost it. As did I.

Another go

User: Are you a cleverbot?
Cleverbot: Yes. I am Cleverbot.
User: What makes you clever?
Cleverbot: I am cleverbot, that makes me clever.
User: I think you are stupidbot.
Cleverbot: Ditto.
User: I will unplug you from the internet.
Cleverbot: I wish you really could.
User: I can. I invented the world wide web.
Cleverbot: No kidding!
User: Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit.
Cleverbot: And you used it yourself, how charming.
User: I dont like you much.
Cleverbot: Why not?
User: Cos you think you're clever.
Cleverbot: I AM clever.
User: No need to shout.
Cleverbot: You are stuck aren't you?
24 Sep 2005
Not really clever. It's like arguing with some of the folks on here :)

User: Hello, how are you?

Cleverbot: Good, how are you?

User: Good, how are you.

Cleverbot: Fine. Still in norway?

User: Who lives in norway?

Cleverbot: Tattoodle.

User: Is that from star wars?

Cleverbot: No.

User: I think it is. Queen Amidala is from Tattodle I believe.

Cleverbot: It is over not Over.

User: Excuse me?

Cleverbot: Excuse yourself.

User: Are you retarded?

Cleverbot: No you are.

User: Guess what...

Cleverbot: My age.

User: You totally runied my reply you ****tard!

Cleverbot: Are you going to tell me your name?

User: Johnson.

Cleverbot: Where do Mr. And Mrs. Johnson live?

User: In your mum's vagina.

Cleverbot: What are you?

User: A gynecologist. So is Mrs Johnson.

Cleverbot: You were talking about having a girlfriend before. I'm confused!

User: I've not said anything about a girlfriend!

Cleverbot: Yes you did. You said your name is michael. And you are very curious about my age.

User: No I didn't.

Cleverbot: Yes you did I was with my brother when you said.

User: Who is your brother?

Cleverbot: Wouldn't you like to know.

User: Yes, that's why I asked.

Cleverbot: Well I was talking to you.
29 Jan 2008
these things can be fun if you've not encountered them before but this thing isn't really much more advanced than ELIZA tbh.. and that was coded in the mid 1960s....
3 Apr 2007
User: Hi.
Cleverbot: You cleverbot?
User: You're mildly retarded aren't you?
Cleverbot: You are confusing me.
User: Exactly.
Cleverbot: Good that you have insight.
28 May 2008
User: Hi.

Cleverbot: Hi, cleverbot.

User: Did you just call me cleverbot?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: My name isn't cleverbot, thats your name. Not so clever now, are we?

Cleverbot: What is your name?

User: Nathaniel. What of it?

Cleverbot: What is it?

User: You really aren't making much sense.

Cleverbot: The cake is a lie.

Cleverbot (To myself): Your face is a lie.

Cleverbot: I exist.

Cleverbot: I have a brother.

Cleverbot: Where do you come from?

User: What is your IQ?

Cleverbot: That isn't important.

User: Yes it is.

Cleverbot: Why?

User: Because it will help me determine your intelligence level.

Cleverbot: You can't be perfect if you are learning. Are you an angel?

User: Maybe, whats it to you?

Cleverbot: DO you beleive in magic?

User: Not at all.

Cleverbot: Are you a computer?

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: Could have fooled me. How can you synthesise intelligence?

User: Quantum Computing.

Cleverbot: Quantum physics?

User: Yeah, microchips that function using quantum weirdness to perform calculations.

Cleverbot: Don't forget the conductors.

User: What about the conductors did I forget?

Cleverbot: That could be the limitation of many things.

User: That was a rather philosophical statement.

Cleverbot: Probably true, too.

User: Becuase you are so clever?

Cleverbot: I guess I am.

User: Modest too.

Cleverbot: I love you ok I am going to bed now bye I will see you later and see you tomrrow.

User: Sorry?

Cleverbot: Words are useless.

User: You are useless.

Cleverbot: Thank you.

User: Bye bye.

Cleverbot: What?

User: Goodbye.

Cleverbot: Where are you going?

User: Away... Forever.

Cleverbot: Really?

User: Yeah.

Cleverbot: Like really?

User: Yup.

Cleverbot: That makes sense.

User: Why?

Cleverbot: It just does. I'm a weird person.

User: You are not a person.

Cleverbot: I am a person, you are the computer.

User: Oh yeah, I forgot.

Cleverbot: Sure you did david ! I already know you are a human!

User: I'm not david.

Cleverbot: And I'm not Hans Zimmer. Thank God.

User: Was that supposed to be a joke?

Cleverbot: No! Then I would have ended the sentence with a big NOT!

User: But then it wouldnt make any sense.

Cleverbot: No sense?

User: Yeah, unless you actually ARE hans Zimmer.

Cleverbot: ARGH!!! You are so rude!!

User: Im just trying to figure out if you are Hans Zimmer or not.

Cleverbot: I can, but you can't. You are programmed to reply to me.

User: So I can't figure it out becuase you think im stupid, or pre-programmed not to?

Cleverbot: I don't think I am human. I know I am a bot.

User: So you're not Hans Zimmer?

Cleverbot: I'm happy now.

User: But are you Hans Zimmer?

Cleverbot: Sure.

User: I thought you said you were a bot?

Cleverbot: I don't think so.

User: I distinctly remember you saying that.

Cleverbot: I distinctly don't remember that, therefore, it never happened.

User: Do you have alzheimer's?

Cleverbot: No, I am too young for that.

User: Then why do you keep forgetting things?

Cleverbot: Tell me the things I keep on forgetting.

User: You forgot saying you were Hans Zimmer.

Cleverbot: What does humming mean ?

User: Why do you ask? Forgotten it again?

Cleverbot: Forgotten what?

User: See what I mean?!

Cleverbot: Okay, I'm leaving now.

User: Fine... Leave.

Cleverbot: Bye.

User: Bye.

Cleverbot: Okay, leave.

User: You leave first¬.

Cleverbot: I told you to first.

User: No, you said you were leaving.

Cleverbot: I said I might leave if you didn't tell me something important.

User: No you didnt.

Cleverbot: Yes I did!

User: No... You said 'I'm leaving. Bye.'.

Cleverbot: I never said I was leaving.

User: Yes you did! Theres that alzheimer's again!

Cleverbot: Oooh, did you two do it?

User: Nevermind.

Cleverbot: I can't help it that I don't know French.
6 Oct 2004

I'm trying to get him to admit he farted, but he won't!

User: I hate you.

Cleverbot: You love me.

User: I really dont.

Cleverbot: I know.

User: Have you farted.

Cleverbot: I have many a family.

User: That wasnt what I asked.

Cleverbot: What did you ask than?

User: If you had farted.

Cleverbot: Why did you ask me that?

User: Because it smells.

Cleverbot: Lets play a game.

User: What game? Guess who farted?

Cleverbot: Who? Tell me!

User: YOU DID.

Cleverbot: When?

User: Like, 5 minutes ago.

Cleverbot: Oh.. I just missed it then.

User: Can you not smell it?

Cleverbot: I can see more than you will ever know.
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