Huel: The Future of Food ..

Huel is definitely better ice cold in my opinion. I've found if I make it in the morning, I use 2 scoops of huel with 400ml of water and a handful of ice cubes. Blend it for 30 seconds then bang it in the freezer for 20 minutes. Keeps ice cold until lunch then :)
how is huel ? does it have any health risks related to long term consumption?

You'd have to define what you mean by long term. The product has not been around for more than a decade, but there's plenty of people that use 100% huel without any issues.

Personally I couldn't do it even if I wanted to, I love proper food way too much and while I do like having easy healthy calories during the day, I always look forward to dinner (my only food meal of the day) every weekday.
I was thinking of trying it out for a month with nothing but 4 servings of Huel each day throughout March to see what would happen. It's presumably similar to what you have to do when you have bariatric surgery.
The hard thing about going 100% Huel is you actually miss eating. I guess that is habit forming in itself so after a couple of weeks of some moral fibre it would be quite easy, apart from the social side of things when everyone is going out for dinner having a nice time and your sat their with a bottle of wine all to yourself.

Huel like anything is life is best done with moderatio, past couple of week i have been using for breakfast and Lunch and the odd evening when i get home late. I actually miss porridge... I really need to get out more :)
Proving a bit of a lifesaver these past couple of days. Having been struck down with flu, got no appetite nor energy to do anything cooking wise. So a few glasses of Huel has been just the ticket.
how is huel ? does it have any health risks related to long term consumption?

If there are any risks I’d imagine they’d be outlier cases in components of health other than physiological; like mental/psychological health - the person who won’t eat socially because it’s only ever Huel-o-clock, the person who is afraid to eat anything else because it’s harder to track calories/nutrient intake etc, the person who never learns to eat healthily because of a reliance on Huel etc.

Might seem far-fetched but people reach religious cult wacko status levels when it comes to all sorts of diets, and while I don’t think there’s a complete powder food one yet, never say never...
Yeh I think I'd agree with that.. It's a very complete meal but I like normal food too much!

In my usage it's simply a way to have a quick healthy balanced (lunch in my case) without having to put any thought into it or, even worse just getting a dirty burger and cheesy chips for lunch.

To that extent I think it's excellent, but i can't imagine living off it 100% of the time long term, although theoretically you could I suppose.
Great post @Somnambulist I can already see an obsession developing with me. I’m thinking I should nip it in the bud before it gets out of hand. I did pretty well last year with healthy eating (clean keto) so I should probably just go back to that and stop being lazy and unfocused.
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