Human versus nvme

6 Sep 2016
A nvme can read something like 2500gb second?

Data in drives is stored as binary, so say you had a keyboard with 1 and 0 keys and this was connected as a "hard drive" and you entered in raw data 100% accurately to exactly simulate data sent to hdd controller, how many times faster would nvme be? And how long would you take yypressung 1 or 0 for the computer to "boot up" into Windows?

This should be calculable.
I'm simply talking about single action, rather than multi-processing. The data send via the cable is a series of 0's and 1's, so I guess it's more of throughput.

I suppose you can work it out, if a SSD can copy 1GB in say 5 seconds, then how long would it take to enter in 1GB in binary.
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