Hydrogen-Alpha filters

18 Oct 2002
Lo all,

Following this thread over in GD (go to the bottom of that page and click the link) I found that the picture of the Milky Way was taken using a Ha-filter. I've been googling them for my D50 but havn't really had much joy.

Does anyone have any experience this this type of photography? It's something I would like to try out!

How many posts per page have you got OcUK forums set up for? as the link at the bottom of the page is this for me which is post60 and i cannot see any images there.

Just tried every link in that thead and found This which I presume is the image your referring to... in which case, i aint got a clue but it looks nice.
Sorry it was at the bottom of the page last night :o Should have specified, the first post with the link in is #49 and you're quite right it's that photo.

If you go to post #53 you can see a link that I've posted that tells you how it was taken. It's a Photoshop job of about 12 images but 6 of them were taken with an Ha-filter.

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