Hypothetical "End of the World" Question

For all the doubters, and I know there will be many, just keep an eye on Israel because future events are gonna be centered around that region.

So this is where you use any event which may or may not happen in Israel - war, terrorism, peace agreements, etc. as proof of the coming of God? I suspect he'll be making appearances very soon, and quite frequently, by that logic.
For all the doubters, and I know there will be many, just keep an eye on Israel because future events are gonna be centered around that region.

Well to be fair, although I am a doubter, I'm not entirely stupid.. even I with my limited knowledge of politics can tell that the region that includes Israel is likely to have some newsworthy future events. Doesnt seem to be a month that goes past for the last 40 years where that region hasnt made the news for some reason :)
Interesting thread as just a short while ago a christian co-worker and I talked about this same subject.

He says that the devil will come first claiming to be Christ, but you will know hes false because he will use the media to try to convince us all he is Jesus.

He then says Jesus will come and we will all know he is Jesus because he will apear to all of us asthough he is standing infront of us all (and bring all of heavens angels with him). We will then all be judged and some will go to heaven and the rest will cease to exist (bit more complicated than this).

The interesting thing about what he was saying to me was he believes from studying the bible it will happen within the next 9 years.

Go and tell your co-worker that he's crazy. :p
Oh thats just great, the Jesus roadshow is coming to town.
He pops his head in once every 2000 years or so does a quick inventory and pow were all judged and allocated a place in the hereafter.
Will i have enough time to build my dream pc? and which way does the guy from Galilee swing Ati or Nvidia?
Interesting thread as just a short while ago a christian co-worker and I talked about this same subject.

He says that the devil will come first claiming to be Christ, but you will know hes false because he will use the media to try to convince us all he is Jesus.

He then says Jesus will come and we will all know he is Jesus because he will apear to all of us asthough he is standing infront of us all (and bring all of heavens angels with him). We will then all be judged and some will go to heaven and the rest will cease to exist (bit more complicated than this).

The interesting thing about what he was saying to me was he believes from studying the bible it will happen within the next 9 years.

For all the doubters, and I know there will be many, just keep an eye on Israel because future events are gonna be centered around that region.

So these extremely vague 'future events' centered around probably the most politically volatile region of the planet where something bad happening to someone or other is much of a certainty than a prophecy is actually going to be evidence of <insert your deity here> ?
On the authority of Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him), who said that the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said: When Allah decreed the Creation He pledged Himself by writing in His book which is laid down with Him: My mercy prevails over my wrath.

Its kind of peculiar because if you pronounce it as its written, PBUH...it does kind of sound like a Batman sound effect. You know...Whack ! Ker-smash ! Pbuh ! Though I suppose it wouldnt be the oddest abbreviation in history if read as a word.
Will i have enough time to build my dream pc? and which way does the guy from Galilee swing Ati or Nvidia?

Nvidia of course, like all sensible gamers :D

The question is what kind of games does he like, is he into shoot-em-ups (I would imagine not as its killing), beat-em-ups (again..violence so I guess not). I bet he is into games like The Sims and Civilization, though that might be a bit of a busmans holiday I suppose.
For all the doubters, and I know there will be many, just keep an eye on Israel because future events are gonna be centered around that region.

Mosat contriversal country in currently one of the most important area sof the world being likley to be central to the coming decades?


My god you should become a Prophet with that sort of predictive skill.
Ironically the most devout Christians would probably persecute him for blasphemy. Some would follow him like they were in a cult. There'd probably be a war or two as well.
Wow what a coincidence, after all these hundreds of thousands of years, this thing he believes in is going to happen in his miniscule lifetime, I bet he cant believe his luck!

You're forgetting that the world is only 4000 years old, haven't you read the bible!1?!?111
So these extremely vague 'future events' centered around probably the most politically volatile region of the planet where something bad happening to someone or other is much of a certainty than a prophecy is actually going to be evidence of <insert your deity here> ?

Mosat contriversal country in currently one of the most important area sof the world being likley to be central to the coming decades?


My god you should become a Prophet with that sort of predictive skill.

You have completely missed the point. Israel DID NOT EXIST if you go back 50 odd years. Everything has happened within the past 100 years which led up to the creation of Israel, and more recently it being armed to the teeth. It is now that the hadith (sayings) of the prophets can be understood more clearly.

Israel will soon take over as the ruling state in the world, everything has been leading up to that point. Do you not see that all the things that Jesus Christ (the Messiah) was suppose to have done, is happening now before our very eyes and the jews are accepting it and believing it as validating their claim to truth. They rejected the true Messiah but are accepting this current Israel which is an imposter.

The actual man himself, can not be far off. The system is all in place.

I'm a non believer and I wouldn't even believe or take recognition of the false one, now what?

The intention of this modern godless 'system' is to deceive mankind into rejecting the true messiah. People have been made spiritually/internally blind. You do not necessarily need to follow or believe in anyone, in order to reject truth.
You have completely missed the point. Israel DID NOT EXIST if you go back 50 odd years. Everything has happened within the past 100 years which led up to the creation of Israel, and more recently it being armed to the teeth. It is now that the hadith (sayings) of the prophets can be understood more clearly.

Israel will soon take over as the ruling state in the world, everything has been leading up to that point. Do you not see that all the things that Jesus Christ (the Messiah) was suppose to have done, is happening now before our very eyes and the jews are accepting it and believing it as validating their claim to truth. They rejected the true Messiah but are accepting this current Israel which is an imposter.

The actual man himself, can not be far off. The system is all in place.

The intention of this modern godless 'system' is to deceive mankind into rejecting the true messiah. People have been made spiritually/internally blind. You do not necessarily need to follow or believe in anyone, in order to reject truth.

Wow, your parents really did a number on you. That sort of religious indoctrination should be classed under the law as child abuse imo.
You have completely missed the point. Israel DID NOT EXIST if you go back 50 odd years. Everything has happened within the past 100 years which led up to the creation of Israel, and more recently it being armed to the teeth. It is now that the hadith (sayings) of the prophets can be understood more clearly.

Israel will soon take over as the ruling state in the world, everything has been leading up to that point. Do you not see that all the things that Jesus Christ (the Messiah) was suppose to have done, is happening now before our very eyes and the jews are accepting it and believing it as validating their claim to truth. They rejected the true Messiah but are accepting this current Israel which is an imposter.

The actual man himself, can not be far off. The system is all in place.

The intention of this modern godless 'system' is to deceive mankind into rejecting the true messiah. People have been made spiritually/internally blind. You do not necessarily need to follow or believe in anyone, in order to reject truth.

I hate to say it, but you do sound an awful lot like one of those zealots who adorns my door from time to time. Your attitude seems to be one of not merely that what I/others believe in/dont believe in is different....but that it is wrong. I always get very suspicious of folks who adamantly and fervently belief that what they think is right and others are wrong. For me its one step away from fanaticism and we've all too often seen how dangerous that attitude can be.

Hopefully I've merely misread your posts , I do find myself wondering just what will happen if "the actual man himself" doesnt turn out to be imminent. If all simply passes without any divine event. Its the same curiosity that made me wonder what would happen if the Y2K calamity didnt happen and more topically what those proponents of the 2012 "prophecy" will do if that also doesnt happen.

I have no troubles with people having beliefs, I do however get my trouble-sense tingling once said people begin "preaching" at me and insinuating that what they think is right and what I think is wrong. Its interesting that so much about religion is built upon the idea that the "user" is in some way special and different to others, interesting to me because many scams in many avenues of life work on the exact same principal of making the "user" feel they are special. (not saying that religion is a scam, thats up to the individual to decide, just saying its an interesting parallel in my mind)
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