Hyuk Hyuk

You know they're gonna try and mess that guys house up now or something else scum like, like jump him :/
Props to the guy in the first video. Having a nutcase in his face like that and keeping calm and then a quick slap to show the ned who's really in control :D

Have things like this all the time round here. Chavs have nothing better to do.
The guy in the black tee shirt has some serious self control.

les is a complete ****.

I suspect the man in the black T-shirt accurately assessed the degree of threat that macho man posed to him and decided that anything more would be like kicking a chihuahua - overkill even if it is yapping at you,
For more giggles type this into google

falls road hijack attempt

It should be the first link a vid lasting 1:25, some arse tries to hijack a car (could almost be the tool in the first vids brother) and gets levelled along with a friend while some of their younger lackies record it.

(added to op)

As far as I can tell from the video filmed by someone flailing around, a couple of other thugs tried and failed in addition to the couple who he invited to very closely inspect the road. A lion attacked by jackals.

Hmm...'lackies' or 'lackeys'? Or maybe 'lackwits' would be more appropriate :)
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