I am Oldskool

OK so I feel like crap today. Aching, runny nose and sore throat. Have taken paracetamol. I have been on the boring jobs. Things like shortening the front USB cable because it was nearly a foot too long, soldering, braiding etc. I also made a 3 pin fan to two 4 pin for the Grid +. Any way, the wiring is boring so I didn't take pics of that but here I am testing out the lights (the head LED and cathodes) as well as the fan converter/splitter I made.

OK guys, time to trigger the old skool feelings again. Remember these?


Bought that in "As new" condition for £7. That is why I wanted the game port on the sound card :)
OK so I crumbled. I tracked the res this morning and it was still in Shanghai yesterday.


I'll just sell it on once it arrives. Shouldn't have any problems shifting it and charging postage on top.

Uber - The holes on the old top were in really bad shape. Using old fittings would mean that the barbs were too big and thus the hose would not have been compatible with the 11/8 fittings. Plus it had three holes, and plugging one would have made it look terrible. I think aesthetics were a lot less important back in those days. I think it was more of a case of "holy crap I have water cooling my PC" than making it look nice.

I also did not want to use a new block because there was a big possibility it would not have fitted. The socket and CPU are tiny and the holes are right next to it. Plus the new top cost me £3 and the Oring stuff was £1.90. So yeah, better to make a new top :)
First side panel complete. I hate man flu.. Now I am sweating and feeling dizzy AF :(


I've also ordered a meter long strip of UV LEDs.


I got them with their own power supply as I am worried I will over load the 300w one I am using.
Problem - mirror like black case that you shouldn't touch. To power it on, however, you must open the door by pressing here where it says "push".


In order to access the power button hnyar.


The solution, fit an external power button I can put on the desk. Just one issue, it came with no splitters so I had to make my own.


Which then goes to hnyar.


Cool beans :D
The OCUK stuff arrived and I assembled the res. Not sure I like it really as even when assembled really tight you can still pull the ends off. This means the pump will need to me propped up to stop it pulling the res apart. PITA !

Because of my mistrust I have set up a "faux loop" and am going to run it for a few hours and see if anything leaks out.

Interested in your test on the res then, one of my pie-in-the-sky builds is planned to use one of those with a D5.

Loving the work as always, you've managed to make garish quite tasteful :D

haha wait until the UV lights get going. :D

It didn't leak, amazingly. But I would not hang anything from the bottom of it at all. Probably best mounted onto the floor of the case tbh.
This res. What a piece of crap. Firstly if you pull the ends they come right off and then the brackets? sheesh, I've never seen something so bad.

Last night I figured I would spend some time playing around with the rest of it. The brackets are awful. Truly dire. Firstly the guide hole that the M4 plastic bolt is supposed to go through was tiny so the bolt would not go through it. So I took both brackets to the kitchen and dremeled the holes out so the bolt would fit through. Came back in and the bolts then aim about 2mm out of the hole (I just made them larger, not changed the position). Any way, I go to do up the first one and it gets about 2mm in and then pops and has threaded itself because it's plastic. So the whole bracket falls off. I try the other one and it does exactly the same thing. So I dig around for some M4 metal bolts and start doing one up. As soon as I can let go of the bracket mech and turn the screw a half turn more (so it actually holds the tube and doesn't slide around everywhere and I hear *SNAP*. Yup, bracket snapped in half.

So now I have no way of mounting the res. So I go off to Youtube to try and make sense of it all and the brackets I have are handily left on the table in the video whilst they use clear ones I do not have.


Probably because they are crap. Not sure what to do now, too sick to care atm (man flu).

Just looked for more videos on Youtube, no one is using the stock brackets. So that is me screwed then.
Well with some good luck, and having to settle on it sticking out ever so slightly I have it fitted and connected to the rad.


When I feel better I will tackle the mobo and get it looped.
Current state of affairs. As you can see, the next job on the list is wiring the FP. This is why I have printed out the page.


Which reminds me, I installed and played Gunman last night and it was as smooth as butter. Still makes me laugh how it comes up as Half Life in running apps :D OK so here is how the inside is looking right now.


I am hoping very much that the Grid+ arrives today so I can hook up all of the fans etc. Lith, this is where your badge lives now mate :)


Still left to do.

Make a BP for the sound card.
Design and make two more acrylic panels.
Fit top panel.
Fit Grid+ and then use my Win 10 PC as a mothership to set up all of the fans using CAM, which will then make them remember :)
Dang it missed a post. First I did this.



Then I made a back plate for the sound card.


Need to paint the top edge black.

Where are you getting all these Alienware heads from?

The bay of fleas. About £1.50-£2 each, IIRC, solid metal and come with 3m tape. I have painted the eyes in this one from blue to black.. Talking of the bay of fleas.. Because most of the games I am going to be playing are Sega PC titles that means awesome J-pop. However, it also means 48X CDROM. I forgot just what happens when a CDROM drive that fast spins up and hits its resonant frequency, making everything in the PC vibrate and rattle. So I have ordered two sheets of this.


Can't remember if I mentioned that I had settled on a board? any way I got this for £20.99 (fully mech blues) on another site on one day special.



And then today when I was digging through my drawers I found these.


OK so today's fun began about 30 mins back. The postman came with the LEDs etc. However, one thing that has always boiled my pee is how easily LED strips come unstuck. It's annoyed me since the dawn of the things. 3M my ass. So I decided to add this before even attempting to fit them.


Which was an absolute nightmare. If it touches itself you are in big trouble. One of those jobs where you need like ten hands. Eventually I got them in (apols for poor pic quality the weather is crap)


Can hardly see them which is what I wanted. Here they are in place, they will never be removed.


And on the underside of the box


And on.


So now I have to get a 240v cable into the PC somehow to power up the PSU. Then I found this little snap out hole.


So now just some soldering, braiding, tidying etc and it will be done.
Thanks man :)

I have watered this down a little in case it upsets the "If you swallow bubblegum it sticks to your insides and kills you !" brigade. So I've not taken any pics of testing, making switches and power cables etc.

First remove the bay covers.


Then snap out the metal parts.


Power supply.


You can see the inlet cable here.


And then where it will reside.



And the inline switch I fitted.


So now I can turn the lights off independently of the case etc.
Thanks guys. Never done a UV build before but it reminds me of my raving days haha.

Unfortunately this is now the third time I thought my "cold" was gone and after 12 hours of sleep last night I've woken up feeling just as bad as I did at the beginning again. I think it's a bit more serious than a cold, so I really need to force myself to rest and take the cold meds rather than end up faffing around with this. I still have two panels to design/cut and make graphics for but I really just don't have the energy. It sucks :(
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