I bloody hate chavs! (keyboard warrior rant)

RandomTom said:
Chavs - they're bloody idiots! total wastes of space tbqh.

Some advice: When chavs ask for a cigerette or a lighter (baring in mind ALL chavs smoke and therefore have the supplies themselves) it's actually a code for entering you into some dialogue so they can attack/mug you. I know this from experience.

I've had people hit me because I didn't smoke. Go figure. When people ask now, I say sorry and keep walking, if they follow me, I turn around and tell them to **** ***. They usually take the hint then.

I hope your friends get better soon.
:mad: Sorry don't really know what to say, ******* dweebs, if any of them was on thier own then they wouldn't have done owt!!!

Bet you some of them are mummy's boy's too. Don't worry, but the most important thing is to leave it there. You can't win in that situation :(
i dont understand chavs, i really dont. What the hell is the fun? Its a very good reason to not go out now, i just cant be arsed with it. I still go out, just not as often as i normally would.
Thanks Nix, well said. Two of the people who took it the worst are at hospital now - 'Luke' has like 4 gashes on his head, bust nose and lip and just really bad bruising all over the place, and he's just a real nice guy, but people seem to have a grudge. :(

Some chav girl came up to me after and said "got a cig?" so I said "no, cos smoking kills, yeh?" and she just walked away, i'm pretty sure if that had been one of her so solid gangster mates I'd be flat on the floor.

I'm calming down now, but I really want to know the damage done, I'm going to see those friends on Monday, I really hope they're okay! :(

edit: oh and it was in a village as well, not the centre of a city or anything, just grrr.
Remember in the case of where I live, they burnt down the youth center last year, and trashed the playground.

Makes sense, kill the entertainment for them and there little brothers and sisters.
Yeh shocking is what everyone was saying, and if you'd have seen his face it was horrendous, it easily made a few girls cry :(. er i think three of them are in hospital at the moment and we'll see how this develops as I'll see them on Monday. :(.

I hope these scumbags get more than a caution. :(
i really cannot comprehend someone who feels they can act like that.. its absolutely apaling that people behave like that.. i really cannot express how much i hate people that do that. i live in a place called Bridgwater which happens to be really infected with violent chavitus. someone got beaten up for walking their dog. aparently it was unprovoked but when in questioning, when the policeman asked him why he did it he answered "because his dog looked like mine" <<< what? :confused: and also that person in bristol that got beaten up because he told some chavs to pick up their rubbish.

i really really cannot express how much i 'HATE' people like this, im really sorry for your friends :(
i really hate chavs (townies as we call them in Swindon)

Someone has to take EXTREME action

I hate the way there are demonstrations to do with religion when the more serious threat of townies is still at large.

We need vigelantes and we need them now
This happens a lot here too, never happened to me which I find quite strange considering I listen to rock/don't look at all chavvy and often carry about £500 worth of gadgets with me :p
Hope your mates are ok. Buy them all tazers for when they get better :D
chavs are bad. They all need to die instantly.

We have a street corner where loads of chavs hang around at nighttime, one day some bloke, I think employed by the council, put a little camera at the top of a lamp post in order to scare the chavs away. Luckily it seems to have worked.
Tell you what guy's if I was told by a doctor that I had a week to live due to some illness I would gladly arm myself and go out and 'get rid' of as many scumbags as I could.

Hope all your mates are ok man. Kinda put me in a mood reading these, everything else seems rather pointless. Tell your mates to get better.

All they do it for is so they can go and 'hang' with there 'homies' and laugh about how they beat up a guy, what they always fail to do it point out to there 'homies' is that it took a group of them to do so.

Scumbags, utter scumbags.
I found I got attacked by chavs a lot more when I was in the age of 13-17 then in the last couple of years. Probably because i'm about 6.1" now and I wouldn't think twice about breaking someones face for trying to hit me.

willd58 said:
At your age you really need some form of security at events like this, you live and learn.

Listen to this guy, he knows what he's talking about.
R^T said:
Tell you what guy's if I was told by a doctor that I had a week to live due to some illness I would gladly arm myself and go out and 'get rid' of as many scumbags as I could.

Sorry buddy, but I doubt you'd waste your last week alive worrying about such problems.
Nix said:
Sorry buddy, but I doubt you'd waste your last week alive worrying about such problems.

It's hardy "worrying about such problems" More like revenge for their behaviour with no real repercussions. :cool:
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