I bloody hate chavs! (keyboard warrior rant)

They act like it because they know the consequences are so nothing, the police need to crack down and actually give jail sentences to chavs. They get off with pitiful sentences for stuff like attempted murder (stabbings). They should go down for life!
This is nothing new. 25 years ago we had exactly the same things going on. And I bet it was the same 50, 75, 100 years ago. There's a famous quote about "young people" complaining about their clothes and language made by a Greek 500 years BC.

The only seeming defence is to get old! "Chavs" are looking for a fight but only against someone that gains them some cred. Although old people are intimidated by groups of young people they are at far more risk of mugging from the lone druggie than from chavs.
fatiain said:
Next party you organise, I'll do the security.
Haha, thanks man :)
joemorris86 said:
They act like it because they know the consequences are so nothing, the police need to crack down and actually give jail sentences to chavs. They get off with pitiful sentences for stuff like attempted murder (stabbings). They should go down for life!
I know it's bloody awful, I bet they only just get a bit of a talking too :(

I haven't had an update to anyone yet I'm sure they're all sleeping in, or possibly an overnighter in hospital for one of them, but sleeping is probably a good idea, I know that 2 are going to the local police station today to give another statement or something. I know that their dads won't let it rest so that's good.

Ugh. Chavs. :(
Tom, I'm going to repeat this, get Luke to press charges..

I know some big security trained lads who would relish the prospect of working your door! :D
And give him this link Victim support A great bunch who offer support and I got compensation for having my face smashed in with a champagne bottle and then having it broken over my head (It's a hard head :D )
fatiain said:
Tom, I'm going to repeat this, get Luke to press charges..

I know some big security trained lads who would relish the prospect of working your door! :D
Yeh, currently i think 3 of them are at the police station right now giving reports or statements, and I know that one of the dads will not let it go, so hopefully justice might be served.

I keep hearing new stories in dribs and drabs from people on msn and texts, apparently one of the girls who organised it got punched in the face by one of the scalls as well - how sick is that.
fatiain said:
I had a problem with a chav lad at the college I worked at, after getting him on his own as he was using a urinal, his ChavNet broke down.

Think it might have been the pee drenched leg (pee and leg both his) and the start of the tears that may have led to the dissolution of their "cru".

Im quite glad you cleared that up, because i was thinking you were literally peeing on him!
gord said:
Im quite glad you cleared that up, because i was thinking you were literally peeing on him!
I actually leant on him as he was using the urinal. He dropped the job in hand, and got wet. :D
fatiain said:
I actually leant on him as he was using the urinal. He dropped the job in hand, and got wet. :D

Usually gentlemanly taboo.. but in this case.. perfectly legitimate.. hat. off!
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