I don't get payday 2

This game is naff...I have just robbed a bank and hit F waiting for the slow white circle to complete in order to steal £800 from deposit boxes...There is no clue how many I needed to open and standing there watching a white circle aint my kind of fun...

Oh and then I drop a bag with G then pick it up with F ? whats the point!

I thought maybe I had opened enough so I ran out to the van and nothing happened...

Is this game really just about waiting for drills to drill through walls while shooting off the police? And waiting for white circles to complete in order to steall some watches? :p

Oh and whats with the buggy gun reloading sometimes I reload and no bullets go into my gun....

Its pants!!!!!!!!!!

Goes off to Borderlands 2
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It obviously isn't your type of game then.

Personally, I much prefer it when everything is done with a stealth approach. It's much more tactical and and I enjoy that so much more. Running and gunning doesn't get you far unless you understand the basics at the very least.
The deposit boxes are just how many you can/want to open before the difficulity of the law enforcements increase. It's the challenge more than anything. You level up, buy new guns, new gear etc. I have a blast with Payday2. Also on the higher difficulty levels it becomes really tough which I love.

It's not for everyone though.
This game is naff...I have just robbed a bank and hit F waiting for the slow white circle to complete in order to steal £800 from deposit boxes...There is no clue how many I needed to open and standing there watching a white circle aint my kind of fun...

Oh and then I drop a bag with G then pick it up with F ? whats the point!

I thought maybe I had opened enough so I ran out to the van and nothing happened...

Is this game really just about waiting for drills to drill through walls while shooting off the police? And waiting for white circles to complete in order to steall some watches? :p

Oh and whats with the buggy gun reloading sometimes I reload and no bullets go into my gun....

Its pants!!!!!!!!!!

Goes off to Borderlands 2

The main objectives for banks is what is on the table in the vault unless its go bank. The deposit boxes are optional, plus if you have a properly eqipped team one guy can anglegrind the boxes open in seconds.

If you want ill try and put a team together and show you how it should be done
The main objectives for banks is what is on the table in the vault unless its go bank. The deposit boxes are optional, plus if you have a properly eqipped team one guy can anglegrind the boxes open in seconds.

If you want ill try and put a team together and show you how it should be done

There wasn't a table I could see in this vault...:confused: what's go bank ?
Might be worth having a run or two with people from here who can show you the ropes / techniques.

I would be up for a run next weekend if you are still not getting the idea of it. :)
Might be worth having a run or two with people from here who can show you the ropes / techniques.

I would be up for a run next weekend if you are still not getting the idea of it. :)

add me a s friend amigo...I did a few heists tonight and some dude over his mic told me off! The cheek!

I'm a well seasoned FPS player...but never dabbled with this....GAME ON !:D
add me a s friend amigo...I did a few heists tonight and some dude over his mic told me off! The cheek!

I'm a well seasoned FPS player...but never dabbled with this....GAME ON !:D

I find that payday and these new zombie survival "dayz" games both share one similarity. You need to un learn everything you think is right turn it on its head and then it will makes sense :D.

People in the payday community tend to be quite harsh to new guys unfortunately (similar to cs go) but not as bad. They seem to forget that people may still be learning the game.

It is a very fun game when you get into the rhythm. Will add you tomorrow morning when I'm at the pc :).
From what I remember pre all the DLC releases that most of the heists were stealth based and required practice. But if you're good at headshots and don't mind missing out on bonus exp then playing as a FPS works and generally slow the heist progress.

I only remember three heists that ended up FPS style gameplay, e.g. Mallcrasher (although I could stealth about a third of the damage, it took too long), Rats, Firestarter (although I've seen a video that stealthed the first stage by shooting six guards in a line with one sniper bullet).
I think some of the levels are a tad annoying when youve done the objective, i.e. steal jewels x 5 then your a bit in limbo before the games tells you the van is coming. I really wish there was a countdown timer to when it arrives.
I think some of the levels are a tad annoying when youve done the objective, i.e. steal jewels x 5 then your a bit in limbo before the games tells you the van is coming. I really wish there was a countdown timer to when it arrives.

For the van I usually listen for the audio cue of bain shouting "2 minutes" or something then just add that to the game timer at the top of the screen.

I find you get a lot of 'down time' on missions like bank heist [gold/deposit/etc] where you've killed off the guards, all civi's are hostages and you're just waiting the 300 seconds or so for the drill to finish... so you grab all the gage packages... still 200+ seconds left... its a bit crappy.
Is it still worth buying this game? I played it for a while on a "trial" copy, and enjoyed it.

Is there a new one on the horizon? Is it still fun for a relative noob to play online?
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