I feel great :D

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26 Dec 2005
Well basically, all week i've had sleeping problems. On Friday I went to bed fairly normaly and slept through all the way to 10pm on Saturday! :o I stayed up all day and went to bed around 8pm. I slept a good solid 10 hours and woke up at 6am this morning as it feels absolutely brilliant. I feel refreshed too and it makes a huge difference :)

Only thing nagging at me is I had an argument with my dad yesterday because he's annoyed I haven't got a job and didn't believe me about sleep problems. Meh, parents. I hope this is the start of a better sleeping pattern :D

Rather pointless thread, so urm. Happy Monday to you too :D
I've been so ill over the last year I haven't had a decent sleep over that year. :( Take yesterday went to sleep at 9AM then woke up at 7PM and have been up since and don't want to go to sleep because I have another hospital appoitment. :(

The worst thing happened to me the other day, I just didn't get up because I actually have no reason too and I'm in to much discomfort and pain so just stayed in bed for 24 hours or something ridiculous like that.

And to pee me off even more this keyboard needs cleaning because there's something under the n key!!!
mctrials23 said:
lol, i cant sleep well at all at the moment. Ill be tired until i go to get to sleep and then suddenly ill perk up.

I havnt slept at all tonight

I'll put the lack of capital Is' and apostrophes down to your lack of sleep. I'm not being pedantic I probably made my fare share in this post. :(
Treefrog said:
Me too. I can't usually get to sleep unless I'm shattered before I go to bed. Which is a problem when I have to be up for 0630 to see my lad off to school.

Damn, I've forgotten how good a full night's sleep is.

I had similar sleeping patterns as you until about 3 weeks ago. Thankfully I'm getting a lot more sleep and I can cope a lot better when it's time to take the son to school.
I still believe that there are not enough hours in the day and that kids getting up at 6:30 to go to school should be banned ;)
Nix said:
Well basically, all week i've had sleeping problems. On Friday I went to bed fairly normaly and slept through all the way to 10pm on Saturday! :o I stayed up all day and went to bed around 8pm. I slept a good solid 10 hours and woke up at 6am this morning as it feels absolutely brilliant. I feel refreshed too and it makes a huge difference :)

Only thing nagging at me is I had an argument with my dad yesterday because he's annoyed I haven't got a job and didn't believe me about sleep problems. Meh, parents. I hope this is the start of a better sleeping pattern :D

Rather pointless thread, so urm. Happy Monday to you too :D

Good morning :D
Treefrog said:
@ manor:

I didn't realise there were two six thirties in a day until a month ago! ;)

lol. The thing that makes it worse, is that my son is 4 and he insists on talking so much. If I ask him to be quiet he then whispers (loudly). It's really funny actually, but not really what you need at 6:30 AM. :p
Aww @ manor :)

Sleep is great but sleeping problems suck. I've had my fair share of sleep problems and it's just evil.

[quote="Ex-RoNiN]Good morning :D[/quote]

Well back at uni, and i can guarantee that my sleeping pattern will soon follow the rule of "cant get to sleep before 1.00/2.00 am"... its pretty rubbish really, but i blame the ocuk forums mainly... :p
I've done that before. Had trouble sleeping so I've spent a weekend trying to catch up my sleeping patterns by staying up as late as possible for a couple of days. A nice long 10 hour sleep is ace, especially when you actually wake up early in the morning too. You just feel really great.

So good morning! :D
Bah, woke up at about 1.30am last night and couldn't get back to sleep so ended up staring at the ceiling for 1/2 hour, got up, used the internet for a bit, back to bed, saw 3.30 go past on the clock.

Nix: I envy your full night sleep!
Ugh, I just saw my flat mate (the weird one) and said good morning, but he just gave me an evil look. Pff, muppet. The mood I was in yesterday would've warranted me to lamp him for that but in too much of a good mood :D

Sleep is amazing when it can do that to you.
I've been waking up early/going to be late for a week now

so the usual sunday crash happens. bed at about 5. woke up about an hour ago. job done :D

ready for another week now :p
Get a job you lazy git. ;)

I know what you mean, it has taken me almost a week to recover from a transatlantic flight, a week where I kept falling asleep to 6pm yet was wide awake at 2am. My misses is the same, she went to bed on Friday night but didn't wake up until 11.30am on Saturday morning. Lazy cow!
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