Have spent the last 6 months looking for a house, without luck - a couple of deals have fallen through for a couple of lovely properties for various reasons, and I don't want to just buy just anything for the sake of it. Just doesn't seem to be much out there at the moment (well, certainly nothing particularly interesting).
Work is just tedious.
Nottingham just seems a bit dull as a place. Not a patch on the vibrancy of London. Don't feel I can move as I need the work history for a house purchase. And don't get me started on the women - the vast majority of the women in Notts seem like backward Wynetta Slob types.
Need to find something - a project, a new challenge...anything - to give me more of a buzz (and don't say drugs) as I feel bored and stale at the moment!
You are upset with yourself, don't take it out on your surroundings or locals.
*** Oh Dear God let someone more competent post on this thread as I'm in no way good enough. ***
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