I found a broken cat this evening :/

22 Sep 2009

So the supposed stray that visits my parents garden / land got hit by something on the road outside the house this evening. I only happened across him by chance as I was out taking some photos, and thought he was lying a bit oddly waiting to be stroked and was meowing loudly (even though we think he's a stray he doesn't mind a bit of fuss and attention if you can approach him). He has a very large matt in his his tail, but I suppose it's really hard to tell with a country cat as they could wander miles from your house and you'd never know , but why you wouldn't chop out a large bit of matted fur in his tail is beyond me, I certainly would, just looks a bit neglected really.

So taking a few photos of him from 20 odd feet away I got closer and closer and realised something wasn't quite right as he was propped up on his front legs, when I got to him it became clear that his back legs were in a bit of trouble and there was a small amount of blood, at which point I new something had hit the poor bugger and he wasn't moving.

Got back to the house and picked up a mdf board and put a thick blanket on top of it and as carefully as I could, picked him up and plopped him on, he didn't fight or resist, just meowed a little bit.

Got him back to the house and gave him a bowl of water which he lapped up like he hadn't drunk in a week, for at least a few minutes, being in shock a friend said first thing is to try and rehydrate. He kept on trying to get up and could just move his back legs but only in very small amounts, which might mean he isn't paralysed at least. I put a couple of fingers under one of his front paws and he started to grip them with his claws lightly as to say "please help me" which almost brought a tear to my eye!


After 15 minutes on hold with the excuse that is the rspca I told them I would be taking him to the closest vet that was open who we had called prior. Into the car and he's looking around like completely spaced out and has never been inside a car before, pure bewilderment in his eyes having absolutely no clue what was going on.

Got to the vets and it turns out he was microchipped so at some point an owner has cared about this cat (or it was mandatory) so I can only hope they will foot the bill if he can be fixed! The road we live on has quite a few million pound houses + so I'm hoping whatever it is (if not too serious) can be fixed and the owners are happy to do so if insured / want to pay for it etc...

If not, would there be an option for ourselves to pay to have the cat treated? Apparently the owners have been contacted but the vets won't tell us anything until tomorrow until they have visited. I'm hoping it's a neighbour who's close by and their willing to say thanks as we found they're cat and took it to the vets which is the only natural thing to do (when you don't know who owns the pet).

If I hear nothing back I'm going to be really ****** off as it'll just prove that the owners don't give a turd about their pet, but annoyingly I'll never find out who owns the cat anyway due to data protection etc... So here's to hoping for good news tomorrow anyhow! (perhaps I could ahem bribe the vet and find out who owns him !). Also, if it turns out that they don't want to pay to fix him up but we did, that would be such a god dam massive failing on behalf of the rspca to who we initially reported it too, and also the vets for not giving us the opportunity? (to basically adopt the cat)

On the way home I bought as scratch card as I was feeling lucky after finding him out of chance and won a tenner,so good omens and I think the cat will be just fine!

I know you're all cat people on here, so hopefully you enjoyed reading my cat related story this evening and can wish him a speedy recovery! :D also I've written this on my phone so excuse any grammatical faux pars as the cursor keeps jumping!!
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No news as of yet. The vet's are just saying that the owners are being kept "informed" and there's nothing else they can say!

The cat is apparently being made comfortable and that's also all they'll say about it!

Ridiculous, it's data protection gone mad, if someone had found my pet and taken them to a vets, the first thing I would do is thank the person who brought it in! Nothing as of yet on my mobile, they ticked the box that said could I be contacted so....
Well I have an update, and it's not good news as just got off the phone with the vets.

Apparently, as the cat had some nasty fractures it would have been a long road to recovery (and possible expensive one) so the owners decided to have him put down :(

I did question whether or not it was down a money thing, and didn't really get an answer, pushed again towards the long road to recovery and it was the owners decision.

So I dunno, maybe it's a good thing if the poor little guy was suffering, just glad I found him when I did and he didn't die dehydrating and suffering in a bush or long grass somewhere :(

Reading some of the replies below, it's good to know that he had lots of positive thoughts heading his way, and I do kind of agree with the fact that animals manage to cope rather well so should try to be saved where ever possible but I guess it has to be a personal decision at the end of the day, a bit like turning off life support.

But still a part of me thinks it may have come down to a money thing, but I didn't get the chance to express to the vets the intentions of possibly paying for the cat treatment ourselves (with possible help!) , owners decision at the end of the day, and considering I don't have any of the facts written down, I suppose I will never know the true reasons and the actual state he was in.

Would the outcome of been different if he wasn't micro chipped and had no owners, possibly, but again who knows!

On a slightly more negative note, I have just thought again that the owner never contacted me to so "hey, thanks for taking my cat to the vets, if it wasn't for you he wouldda... blah blah... " :mad::mad:

Rest in peace CAT6
Most frustrating thing , is that the owners only live maybe within say 1/2 km, and that puts it down to around 20-30 houses, feel like door knocking with a picture of a very similar looking black and white cat saying...

I've seen this cat in my garden lots over the past few weeks, was wondering if I could feed it or does it belong to you? (or something to similar avail)

Soon find the owners for a bit of a frank discussion.
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