i wwould also like to know if you will do orders.
What do you need?, I only have a 260x160 bed size and at the moment 3mm acrylic is what I can do. If you need larger I know someone who can help you.
i wwould also like to know if you will do orders.
Am I the only one that things the OP needs to lend this to building candy?
You do now realise that I am, again, looking for a laser cutter. Anyone got one for sale?
I was looking at the Epilog one on eBay as I want one with a rotary attachment, but Southampton is WAY to far to travel!
How is it at wood? I love the look of the very first LED Bulbdial clock, the way the edges of the parts are burnt.
can i have the details of the person who could cut me something please.
Impressive to say the least,
Surely with that knowledge and equipment you could make a bit of quick money with a good idea?
Ahh sorry matey I didnt realise,
Is this providing you with a good and enjoyable living then?
Am surprised the laser isn't brighter on the videos!
Just thought, does it cut ballsawood, or does it just burst into flames?
Hi mate,
Good find for the money
However, I'm just gonna put my health and safety hat on for a min
I work with lasers daily, similar to yours in the way it works, just with a larger cutting bed etc. And I gotta say, I was amazed/scared/shocked how the laser still worked when you opened the lid and put your camera in there.
This is a massive no no, and I can only assume something is set up wrong. You'll probably find that the plastic lid is produced to stop any 'leaks' that bounce off, so dont open the lid in use. The ones I use are triggered to stop cutting if the lid opens even fractionally.
So, if you like your eyes - dont do it.
.....*removes hat
On another note - I take requests
Just thought, does it cut ballsawood, or does it just burst into flames?
a giant penis made out of plastic!
Can someone do me a funky sign saying "MAN CAVE" i'll paypal some money over if it's reasonable, it's for my "cough" study "cough" that I'm building, I can do hammers, drills, concrete and drilling but unfortunatley not laser cutting
( |-| |2 ][ $;16718387 said:What's the strongest / thickest thing it can cut?
Can you engrave pens/tools then?
You do realise that you can now fab yourself most of the parts of a makerbot?
If you need any makerbotted parts then I am going to be firing mine back up at somepoint in the next 2 weeks. Its been sitting unused on a shelf. Poor thing!
I may need a couple of replacement parts making, I broke a dino for mine, and its currently holding well, but I have no idea how long it will last!