I hate car insurance renewal time.. help!

31 Jul 2004
Its such a drab time hole!!!

If any of you listen to mitchell and webb on the radio they did a great sketch about comparison sites the other week...

anyway, just seeing if there's anyone I should speak to other than the people I've come across on confused/compare/money supermarket/direct line/privilege...

I'm at £510 fully comp with business use on a focus st worth £9k, I've got full ncb and 9 points split over 4 years and the missus has 3 points and a low value fault accident 3 years ago.. I'm 32 and she's 35.

is there any benefit to shopping around any further do you think? Would you think I'd come under any specialist categories? I don't consider myself to be high risk and the car isn't especially high performance...

My best price is with 1st central.. anyone know if they're any good?

The only other suggestion I've had is adrian flux.. is it worth giving them a call? I'm losing the will to live tbh.
[TW]Fox;14918852 said:
Thats very expensive. I pay less for my Group 17 car and I'm 10 years younger than your missus.

I honestly didn't consider it "very" expensive...

I've got 9 points, do 20k a year half a which is business and yes groups matter but I bet more of my group 17 car get wrapped around trees than yours :)
That is expensive for a ST I have a MK5 Golf GTI with business cover for all drivers and my 24 year old girlfriend on it and I pay £298 with Elephant who I got to match the online quote from Bell (same company) my renewal was almost £200 more. I am 29 with no points or accidents declared for either driver and 9 years no claims for me for 15k a year and garaged overnight.

It always pays to shop around, I would try Bell as they were the cheapest by miles however they have been increasing the costs of polices recently.

I don't mean to sound confrontational but I have a more crashed car (almost certainly), 9 points, more mileage and no garage, my wife also has 3 points and a fault accident... To be honest I can see that making up £200.
either way, I'm slowly coming to the conclusion that £500 is as good as its going to get tbh.. I think the only thing I could do to get it down a bit more would be to take the wife off but that would mean using her car when we go out with all the associated kiddy mess.

I'd pay £50 to be ferried around in my own immaculately clean and free fuelled car :p

Adrian Flux just put me on NIG which are part of RBS £490 unlimited mileage, business, 3rd party on any other car and free legal and personal injury cover with a £250 excess. Much better than the £515 which was the previous best.

Strange how happy a £25 saving can make you when you've just spent almost £500 which in all probability will be completely wasted money in the sense I am highly unlikely to hit anything or have it nicked and even if I did hit something it would have to be a pricey repair to have me consider claiming rather than paying.

Still... I'm legal.
Good to hear everyone is finding cheaper quotes :).

Just a quick question. My renewal date is the 17th of October but Ive got this price of £365 now. Would it be a good idea (or even possible) to buy this insurance now to start on the 17th?

I doubt I'll find a cheaper quote than this and i just don't want the quote to expire and nearer the time all i can find is much higher prices.

just beware of inadvertently being quoted by the same people again later, my first quote last week from 1st central was £509 which went up to about £530 when I was requoted when I ran it through confused or something like that.. Its probably resolvable but if you're anything like me and have more than enough conflict in your day to day life and like avoiding it in "me" time then it might be worth bearing in mind.
ha ha ha... just had a call from kwik fit insurance..

"I see we quoted you last week but we were out on price and I'm just calling to give you a better price"


"what was your best price so far?"


"ok, well I can reduce my price to £710 would that be of any interest to you?"

"what do you think"


bye then!
I've had a crack on both of those mate, they were both miles over (like £250+) where I am now.. I reckon its the points and the business use.. the claim from my wife was ages ago and for peanuts.

Personally I think full no claims and 3 SP30s would point to the fact I'm more likely to be banned at no cost to them than to be involved in an accident but there you go! I guess they're seeing as I'm more likely to hit something at speed as and when I get round to doing it again.

Thank god my last accident a) wasn't on my insurance (company policy) and b) was about 8 years ago.

I managed to ram myself up the back of an unmarked police car :) absolutely no speed as I was in a contraflow on the M5 and both cars carried on their way and my octavia had almost no damage but that didn't stop the 2 "public servants" in the focus signing themselves off work for 3 years with nightmares and whiplash.

If you get nightmares from a 10mph crash you really want to be finding a different career from policeman. Dicks.

Nevermind, thats Sonys problem not mine!
ROFLerror :D:D:D

yeah when I got out and started apologising (no sense in not, I did him up the backside in a motorway contraflow) he said "thats fine thanks but this is a civil vehicle so we will have to have attending" it was a focus, it wasn't an unmarked traffic car I think he was CID or something and basically one toot on the radio and half of west mercia police turned up.

If you've ever been frustrated by failure to attend a burglary or similar then get a job in the fuzz, I'm genuinely not lying or exaggerating when I say there were 5 police cars there within about 10 minutes.

I was breathalysed twice (I just went along with the 2nd because I'd passed the first which I knew I would having not had a drink for days and figured it'd be easier to just get on with it) and then sent on my way.

About 2 years after I left Sony so probably 3 after the crash I received some documents asking my for my version of events after the officers had claimed every injury and stress related illness known to man and would I comment.. it was requested in terms that suggested I would incriminate myself more by not ignoring it than by ignoring it so I figured let the corporate lawyers slug it out. My testimony would be nothing but "WTF are you talking about you pansy it was nothing... I didn't even have the slightest whiplash and only needed a set of minor cosmetic repairs"

Where there's blame and all that..
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