I hate my Job :/

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17 Oct 2002
On MB's Boat - Drinking
Please excuse the rant but I'm going potty here today :(

I work in Nthell's Tech Support Dept .. Sept last year we were all outsourced to IBM who further outsourced all tech support staff to Manpower ( yay :rolleyes: )

Before the Outsource our AHT ( Average Handle Time ) was targetted at 15 mins and we were told just fix the call no matter how long it takes

It has gradually been brought down and is now sitting at 10 mins 44

2 weeks ago I was put on an Action Plan because my AHT was too high .. it was sitting at about 13 minutes .. Why ? because I actually do my damn job and fix the customer's issue rather than getting close to 10 mins and then blagging the customer to hit targets

I managed then to get it down by not really being helpfull and I was taken off the action plan but was told if , within the next 6 weeks , my AHT rises again I would be taken to the next stage with is a PIP ( Performance Improvement Plan )

I take 2 types of calls .. SACM ( Stand Alone Cable Modem ) and STB ( Set Top Box )

The STB generally take a lot longer than the SACM calls as if I need to re-hit the STB we have to do at LEAST 2 re-boots of the equiptment possibly 3 so that's at least 5 mins before I've done anything at all ..

Last Thurs and Fri all I had were bloody STB calls so my AHT shot back up to about 12 mins

I was taken into a meeting this morning and put onto a PIP because of it..

If my AHT rises ONE SECOND over 10:44 within the next SIX MONTHS Disciplinary action will be invoked

My stress levels are going through the roof .. I'm losing my patience with Customers because either they are taking too long to do stuff or their PC's are taking too long to boot up .. I'm constantly looking at the call timer and as soon as it's getting close to 10 mins I'm thinking up ways to get rid of the customer :(

I pride myself on giving good customer service but I am being prevented on doing do by these bloody stupid targets

I am sooo close to throwing my headset halfway accros the callcentre and walking out the door and not coming back

I am trying to get out of here but the pay is good for Swansea ... I would have to take at least a £2/3K paycut to get another job ...

I need to sit down and go through my finances and see what I can afford to do ..

I need to jump ship before I'm pushed out :/
lukechad said:
Thats harsh, have you explained that you'd rather take longer and help them fully than hit targets???

I got confused reading that with all the abbreviations but I got the jist of the thread.

yep .. I have no option as to how I do my job .. I HAVE to hit those targets and tell the customer to try things and call back then so be it
Thanks guys :)

Every time I bring up the issue of Customer Satisfaction I hit a brick wall .. IBM don't give a flying fudge about Customers as long as we hit our targets

I have countless letters/Emails with customer thanks but these count for nothing

I only need need a new job till the end of the year anyway so I'll do anything to get out of here ..

If I wasn't on a final written warning for my attendance I'd be going off sick with Stress
Thanks again everyone *hugs OcUK*

I've just had a look in the local Job's paper and there really is nothing in there ...

I could afford to drop to about £12K but anything lower than that and I won't cover my outgoings :/ .. I had financial problems last year and there's no way in hell I am getting myself in that mess again .. I'm stressed enough as it is :p

I will take ANY job , I don't care what it's doing as it is only really a short term job until I move.. It's just finding finding something :/

Am going to be popping down the Job Centre later :)
Thanks again to everyone who has taken the time to reply

Leon .. OMG ... That sounds worse than Nthell and I didn't think that was possible :p .. I saw an advert for your place in the post last week and was thinking of applying .. don't think I will now :eek:
Lopéz said:
Don't do it mate - out of the frying pan and into the fire.

One of the girls here has a BF who works at NTHell - he's called Phil, tribal tattoo things on his arms and drives a red 205 GTi when it isn't knackered. You know him?

can't say I know the name :/ .. Would probably know his face if I saw him :)
Morba said:
but that fully screws up 'Propensity to call' and 'first call resolution', 2 things that most CS departments realise are just as bad to have bad figures on as ACHT.

Raise this with your manager and see what they say.
Are your call stats showing improvement each week / month? If so then a recovery plan or anything similar is a bad thing, you are progressing and that is all that matters.

I have ..they don't care .. the bottom line is we need to take as many calls as possible .. if the customer has to phone in again then that's fine because it's another call coming in :rolleyes:

My AHT varies depending on what types of calls I've had .. If I've had mostly STB calls then it goes up higher .. My last call of this morning was helping a lady who had a speech impediment so it took me twice as long as it should have ( 20 mins ) what the hell was I meant to do ? .. You can only go as fast as the Customer will allow !
Morba said:
There should be disability flags on the IVR database that the people come thro, if shes not regsitered on it or there isnt one then it should be suggested. Customers that then need a bit more time to deal with could be dealt with by a specific department with more allowance on CHT.

As your outsourced it doesnt suprise me in the slightest really, the outsourcer we use (3 full centres) has a lower standard compared to inhouse.

Thanks mate .. I will send off a mail when I get back into work this afternoon :)
Thanks again for all your support everyone ... :)

Went down to the Job Centre earlier and found one Job .. Meter Reader :p .. Will mean dropping about £3K a year but I'm sure I can tighten my belt somewhat and I'll only be doing it till I Emmigrate :)
Freak_boy said:
sorry havent read all the thread.

but i would rather take a 2/3K cut than to be stressed all the time because of the job, what is this place? (sarcasm) you CANT be sick for more than 4 days in 6/7 months (someone please explain this :rolleyes: ) and now you cant HELP customer if ** time limit goes OVER 10:44 mins. whatever next, you cant go to the toilet more than once per your shift? or cant drink tea/coffee?

what i would do or atleast think of is this:
get EVERYONE who uses NTL support thing to ring the management and say they are being cut off at around 11 minutes and their problem is still not solved and that they know the reason.

contact CAB?

I can't use the loo for more than 10 mins a day :p

Haly , I'm not sure if it's gas or leccy but I don't care :D
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