I let someone steal my housemates stuff! : (

basmic said:

I was just about to write Set about her with a baseball bat then bury her in the back garden until i scrolled down to basmics' post. :p

Jokes aside
Don't worry about it at all mate. Your mate will sort it out when he gets back.
Just laugh about it like we are and forget about it.

And by the way does this mean an empty house is available for an Oc houseparty.

Tough man. Don't beat yourself up about it - i'd have done exactly the same thing, how were you to know?

TBH, first i'd text him/her whoever it was and find out what was going on and take it from there.
You said you rang him and he told you everything was cool. Any chance he could have been sitting right next to the missus and telling a wee fib so as not to let her know of his plans?
Give him a text tbh.
His mother might be doing EXACTLY what he asked for all you know. Still though, if your not comfortable with letting her in then dont. If she forces an entry then take the keyboard to her brown bread for the KO.
Raymond Lin said:
call the police, it's theft technically since it's the son's property and she is taking without consent.

the son would have to make the complaint as she was let into the house willingly. even then i doubt youd get 30 seconds of the good officers time over the matter,

just tell her she is welcome to come back any time after the sun explodes. plus lots of addages about old trouts will help too. :D

Chris19 said:
Answer the door naked she might be too freaked to come in.

if you decide to go with the above option then can i have the address...

*i really need to get a social life* :(
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Le_Petit_Lapin said:
Lol.....thats nothing, the other housemates mum tried to kill me about 6 years ago. :p Think something along the lines of "Here's Johnny" except with a kitchen knife, a more sturdy door, and me making a swift window exit rather than screaming my arse off in a corner.

She is now classiffied insane or some such thing, so I guess thats "excusable". :rolleyes:


The blokes mum isnt getting a foot in my garden tomorow. She'll be told in no uncertain terms "where to shove it", and he can sort it out with her when he gets back.

Just like, you know, wanted to hear it from other people that there wasnt much else I could do at the time. :)

i was thinking more " Heres Mummy"
Shes not getting in. She was a cheeky madam yesterday, and to be honest I dont like her. :p

He can sort it out with his mum when he gets back, and if he wants to break up with his girl, he can do it face to face when he gets back too.
Your not at fault, I to would have let any of my housemates parents in to pick up their stuff in a situation like that.

Can't believe his own mother had the cheak to come round and take things without being asked, sounds like they have a few family problems that need sorting out.
When she gets to the door, then it's time to have your "personality change".

Rant and rave about complete drivel from the other side of the closed door until she goes away. I can guarantee it'll be fairly soon if you're random enough! :)
when she comes back, dress her up like a cat and bone her, GTA-style!

ahhh...what a fun thread that was
Don't open the door - not even on a chain.

You don't want to get into the position of having to use force to eject her, that could get messy (it sounds messy enough already).

Tell her though the door her son knows nothing about this and you won't allow her access to his property - deal with her son directly when he gets back. Then go and watch TV, run a bath - whatever :)
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