I need a faster motorcycle

Use your head,you can make big mistakes by following your heart
Best advise is to test ride them if you can,nothing worse than having a bike that you always fancied and it turns out to ride like a pig

^^ This!!

If I'd bought with my heart all those years ago, then to this day I'd still be paying off the Harley dealership and I'd have a bike in pieces awaiting expensive replacement parts... and you'd all be calling me a faget or something, I'm sure!!:rolleyes::D

As is, I went with something that actually felt right and was comfy, easy to handle, did what I wanted, was very forgiving, was affordable on both purchase and maintenance, etc etc... It just *happened* to be a 650 Dragstar, ha ha!! :p

Time went on, I grew up, changed bikes a few times and ended up with something I'd never have looked at twice, but has turned out to be THE greatest bike I've ever known - A 22-year old carburetted, non-ABS FJ1200 Sports Tourer!! :eek:

The lesson here is to take your time, try as many as you can, and make sure it's the one for you. This will likely be your bike for a good few years to come, so be brutally honest about whether it's the right choice. Listen to your heart, but think with your head.
There are plenty of very good bikes out there for far less than £3k!!
If you will be an all year round rider get a Hornet or some such. Ive had a SV650 and a Vstrom... The weather just seems to eat them alive regardless of what you do to protect them. I have also had a ER6f and it was just BORING!!!!

The hornet may not be exciting but it was be cheap to run, cheap to maintain and just run forever with a bit of TLC... then save your pennies and buy a second fun weekend bike :)

If I had gone with my heart id have a Street Triple for a 35 mile (each way) daily commute along the motorway simply because it was incredibly fun to ride rather than practical.
theres loads of bikes out there

older zx6r's cbr's r6's gsxr's,suzuki drz400,suzuki bandits,yamaha fazers,all decent machines
I still like my GSX650F :) though it kills my legs/crotch after about an hour. But that could just be just me rather than the bike.
I use it for commuting and it's been brilliant. Starts easy first time even in the cold, enough grunt to have fun on a Sunday spin let alone overtake things.
They're generally priced very well.
SV650's aren't boring at all, they are great bikes. I'd choose an SV over an XJ in a heartbeat.

I think it depends on what kind of bike you want to ride I suppose, I have ridden an SV650, other "muscle bikes" and even the Beeking and found the ride underwhelming, I think its to do with the focused riding positions of the bikes I have had (Zx7r, Zx6r, R6 and even VFR400) that make them more fun for me, the SV650 also has very little power compared to other supersport 600 cc bikes which leaves it seriously lacking in my experience. All the downfalls however make it a good first/second bike as it is stable, easy to ride and predictable.
Any bike he gets is going to be exciting to start with as it will just have way more power than he is used to, going from a Honda CB500 to a SV650 was immense for me. Id say the SV650 is a great bike to start with but just wasn't that comfortable for me to ride day in day out. I'd love another one but would choose a Triumph Street or Speed over it anyday.
Get a triumph because Britain.

I got one because of the noise, handling, weight, and because mine looks like this:


My SV650 even looks dull in comparison, "just another bike":
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^ my 2013 ER6F 650R
I would not recommend a 600cc super sport personally, Any 650cc bike is perfect move from a 125cc

Also if you can afford a Triumph go for it!!
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ohhh yes,whats not to like about the er6

I would recommend a sportsbike aswell tho,plenty power

and kreee that sv still looks smart imo,you just need to ride it faster
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