I need an expert in C++ and Java....who is also a top notch mathematician

Just to clarify, you are welcome to seek advice, but we are not a recruting agency. If this thread goes in that direction, it will be closed.

And, as for 68K assembler? Pah. Z80 is where it's at. :p

And yes, I've done Z80/8080, 8085, 80(1,2,3,4,5)86, 680(0,2,3)0, 6502 in my time (and since forgotten most of it due to disuse). God, does that show how old I am? :eek:
Berserker said:
And, as for 68K assembler? Pah. Z80 is where it's at. :p

And yes, I've done Z80/8080, 8085, 80(1,2,3,4,5)86, 680(0,2,3)0, 6502 in my time (and since forgotten most of it due to disuse). God, does that show how old I am? :eek:
Oh dear, you may be even older than I am! I did a college project on the Zilog Z80 and the first assembler I wrote was on the 6502 and a hexadecimal LED display only. As for 8085/6 stuff, if the hairs on your arms stand up when I mention the CS and DS registers, then we share a common bond ;)

move.l msg,-(sp)
move.w #9,-(sp)
trap #1
add.q #6, sp
move.w #0,-(sp)
trap #1

msg dc.b "pwn3d TBH!!1 :)"
man_from_uncle said:
Are you any good arty? If so, in what area?

EDIT: I just looked at your profile arty. I don't suppose you're still study are you?

I'm not 'world-beating' by any means. A friend of mine designs some pretty heavy-duty algorithms for heavy-duty clients, but the pay he gets reflects that; the last job he worked on paid him around £2m after tax. I'd class him as an international expert.

My question wasn't so much for me as for you, if you see what I mean. If there's serious capital behind it then you'll be able to get 'world-beating' experts. If not then the best you're likely to end up with are very good coders. Geniuses are few and far between, and they charge ;)

We still do quite a bit of 68000 asm at Uni, it definatly much easier than reverse engineering programs. Still would hate to write in it for a full time job, guess good asm coders are hard to find these days :(.
Una said:
We still do quite a bit of 68000 asm at Uni, it definatly much easier than reverse engineering programs. Still would hate to write in it for a full time job, guess good asm coders are hard to find these days :(.
68K ASM is great fun and far more rewarding than any modern high-level language. You'd create your own libraries of code that you could jealously guard and exploit all the various ways of squeezing those few extra machine cycles out of your code. One of the most challenging pursuits for the ASM programmer is to optimise code, espcially if it's someone elses but the effects can be dramatic. For example, you could gain huge performance increases by unrolling complex loops or using repeated additions or bit shifting instead of resorting to using muls and using the moveq to clear a register rather than the slower clr . That sort of thing is mostly redundant these days though and programming is less enjoyable and challenging as a result :/
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phykell said:
:D C#? C++? All we had in my day was 68000 assembler. I worked as a games programmer many years ago, developing in 68K on the Amiga and when we hit the hardware, we *hit* the hardware, and that means switching off the OS completely. And you try telling that to the young people today, and they don't believe you ;)

Hehe I remember doing a Bezier curve dancing flower in ARM assembler just to spite off a mate with a 68000 Apple at the time during uni :D

I remember spending two weeks doing a screen plotter for a mate's game - in the mean time he'd written the game with a plotter 17 times slower.. *prods Tom* he then went on to release it as "Wavelength" on the Archimedes..

I started with the 6502, 65C02, 68000, ARM2,3,610, 710, .. and oddly enough the Z80.

adr r0,msg
SWI "OS_Writeline"
mov pc,r14
equs ""pwn3d TBH!!1 "
equb 0

... and I don't have the manuals or computer anymore ... that's sad!
Yeah I wish I had started programming earlier. I started off with java and gradually worked my way downwards (C++/C/68k asm). Its much more rewarding getting things to work as planned. Would have loved to have started games programming on the Amiga. I’m pretty into games dev at the moment and looking at legends like Carmacks work for quake1, you can see some brilliant examples of squeezing every little bit of performance out as possible.
As a games programmer I recall a new guy starting, obviously in his late 30s and a bit "strange" looking. He had a parallax scrolling background working by the end of the morning, on a Spectrum! :eek: He was some programmer of course. It was a conversion of Terrorpods IIRC. We also had an arcade game in a briefcase - Rastan which someone else was converting to the Spectrum as well. The briefcase game was amazing and worth thousands (as arcade hardware was back then). I also worked with NovaBill from Mercenary (Amiga/ST) fame (Paul Woakes included him in Mercenary as an insult). Apparently PW thought Bill had nicked code from him but Bill said it was the other way round. We spent the break time drinking free coke and shining a laser up and down St Helens high street for amusement back when the laser was a huge box with a laser tube from a Dragon's Lair arcade machine. Halcyon days... :)
Una said:
Yeah I wish I had started programming earlier. I started off with java and gradually worked my way downwards (C++/C/68k asm). Its much more rewarding getting things to work as planned. Would have loved to have started games programming on the Amiga. I’m pretty into games dev at the moment and looking at legends like Carmacks work for quake1, you can see some brilliant examples of squeezing every little bit of performance out as possible.
I nearly took a job at Argonaut Software and met Jez San for the interview which was due to me being a bit of a specialist in 3D graphics/realism back then (hitting the hardware of a 24 bit Ikon Pixel Engine). They had some amazing hardware for games development back then including a full 68K simulator. Argonaut had some amazing programmers working for them, so imagine how much I would have learned but I ended up taking a job with an IT Consultancy instead :/
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