I need help building my PC

aup m8 im 14 and i built my own comp on tuesday (using it now its mint lol) and believe me its not as hard as it looks you would probably be able to do it without instructions if you know abit about computers, if not then use the instruction book that came with your motherboard its very handy and guides you through the build step by step (or at least mine did, not that i used it like lol)
hth :D
never skip the manuals, sometimes vital info can be missed because something looks easy.. for example the first p4 mobos would only accept x4 agp cards, if you put an x2 only card into the slot it would kill the mobo.
Hector said:
never skip the manuals, sometimes vital info can be missed because something looks easy.. for example the first p4 mobos would only accept x4 agp cards, if you put an x2 only card into the slot it would kill the mobo.

ooooooooooooo never thought of that but will in future
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