i used some leftover OC 3200, mixed with some random value ram, both running at 3200.
The speed of the ram is irrelevant though, so dont waste your money on good quality ram, as it will have no effect as the speed of the ram will never get close to touched by the i-ram.
I'm also looking forward to the 64gb SSD hdd, I believe samsung are making a 128gb version too.. although this will be insanely expensive (so is the 64gb realy.. but i still want one).
As far as noticing any speed differences with the pagefile, itll only realy be on some very big apps, like Maya, Photoshop and After Effects, as they all use all of your system ram if its available and hammer the pagefile as well. most games wont hammer your pagefile, although they do use it a bit.
The speed the games close down will be an indication of the pagefile working well (rather than starting up - thats showing the iram read speed)
If your going to get a second I-ram i would suggest buying some OcUK value ram or kingston/cruicial value ram, any of this will be as quick as you have and itll be cheaper than wasting it on something that wont actually get any extra speed.
What games are you running off the I-ram as i found it difficult to fit a lot of the newer games when i tried it (although battlefield 2142 would be perfect size
As far as the new SSD drives..unless you have a wish to waste large sums of cash
, i would wait for these rather than buying another Iram setup.
as an Iram setup would problably be about the same price as the 16gb SSD drives.. and unlike the 16gb SSD drive.. youll only have 4gb per Iram..
I think the Iram is a cracking little bit of hardware if you have some spare memory. but buying memory just to use it - is a luxury rather than a massive benifit.
Either way
if you do get the second Iram setup - make sure you post some pics of it raided up
and some case pics