I.T. Crowd Series 4?

1 Mar 2008
Graham Linehan (Glinner) has just posted on his Twitter the following:

Glinner: Right, dammit, I'll finish this IT Crowd episode now if it kills me. 3 minutes ago from TwitterFox

Glinner: ...been stuck for days on the most STUPID, SIMPLE thing! 2 minutes ago from TwitterFox

Sounds like Series 4 is being written, right? :D

There was some doubt over whether he would do another series or not. Black Books only lasted 3 series as did Father Ted.
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I can't believe there's even been 3 series, time flies. I'd love to see more IT Crowd, just sucks that like most things on tv we'll be limited to just 6 episodes per series.
To be honest, I kind of went off IT Crowd. It seemed to be less and less funny (and have less and less techie types of jokes).

Mind you..it didnt help that I started watching Big Bang Theory , which I find utterly hilarious and totally riddled with techie type jokes :D
Sounds like it'll be another Linehan series of "oh, sod it, that'll do" style endings then.
This is awesome news :D, absolutely love it. But Its a shame they killed off reynholm :(.

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To be honest, I kind of went off IT Crowd. It seemed to be less and less funny (and have less and less techie types of jokes).

Mind you..it didnt help that I started watching Big Bang Theory , which I find utterly hilarious and totally riddled with techie type jokes :D

I kinda went off it too, I didn't find the 3rd series as funny as the last two series, but I still love it. They dumbed it down a wee bit :(

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