Stolen from a website as it's too much to remember but here it goes

The ending is just epic!
Jen: Oh for God's sake, are you gay? Are you a gay man?
Philip: No!
Jen: Are you?
Philip: No!
Jen: No, brilliant, good. That's all I wanted to know. I don't mind one way or the other, you know, I just like being clear. I don't want any ambiguity.
Philip: What on earth made you think I was gay?
Jen: Well, you know, I can just pull it out of the air. You know, you just brought me to a gay musical, called 'Gay'. You're laughing like mad at every gay reference. Your friends... ALL of whom are gay say hello by tickling you.
Philip: Jen, what century are you living in? Do you think a man has to be gay to like a gay musical? Can a straight man not have homosexual friends? And since when was tickling gay? I missed that meeting. Jen, Jen, come here
[hugs her]
Jen: I'm sorry, I guess you just threw me when you borrowed our copy of Heat.
Philip: [bursts into tears] Oh God, it's true! It's true, I'm gay! I'm a gay man. I tried to hide from it and deny it, but I can't, I can't, I can't. Oh Jen, what am I gonna do?
I thought I could make it work between us coz you looked a bit like a man!