I.T. Crowd Series 4?

A few good laugh out loud moments, but generally quite poor compared to the previous seasons. Didn't think much of this week's episode at all.

"Shut up Dumpo, the Elephant who got dumped!" being my personal favourite.
I've just watched again the episode from season 2 I believed where they all go to see a Gay musical. This must be the best episode :D :D :D

"I'm disabled"
How are you disabled?
"Leg disabled"
So where is your wheelchair?

I've just watched again the episode from season 2 I believed where they all go to see a Gay musical. This must be the best episode :D :D :D

"I'm disabled"
How are you disabled?
"Leg disabled"
So where is your wheelchair?


Best episode they did, along side Jen's speech about 'The Internet' and Douglas fighting April. :D
Stolen from a website as it's too much to remember but here it goes :D The ending is just epic!

Jen: Oh for God's sake, are you gay? Are you a gay man?
Philip: No!
Jen: Are you?
Philip: No!
Jen: No, brilliant, good. That's all I wanted to know. I don't mind one way or the other, you know, I just like being clear. I don't want any ambiguity.
Philip: What on earth made you think I was gay?
Jen: Well, you know, I can just pull it out of the air. You know, you just brought me to a gay musical, called 'Gay'. You're laughing like mad at every gay reference. Your friends... ALL of whom are gay say hello by tickling you.
Philip: Jen, what century are you living in? Do you think a man has to be gay to like a gay musical? Can a straight man not have homosexual friends? And since when was tickling gay? I missed that meeting. Jen, Jen, come here
[hugs her]
Jen: I'm sorry, I guess you just threw me when you borrowed our copy of Heat.
Philip: [bursts into tears] Oh God, it's true! It's true, I'm gay! I'm a gay man. I tried to hide from it and deny it, but I can't, I can't, I can't. Oh Jen, what am I gonna do? I thought I could make it work between us coz you looked a bit like a man!
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