I've had a look at Naim/Arcam and the only suitable deals below £1k were for units like the Solo which don't interest me really, the Naim Stream units are +£1K. Unless there are older models I've missed?
I looked at the Onkyo units in the past which I like quite a lot but again it's not the kind of unit I'm after all things considered. I have a Xonar STX soundcard so have a capable source. I just want a quality discreet amp to drive my headphones and speakers (The Xonar has a headphone amp yeah but I prefer NAD's headphone amp sound, it's warmer) with bluetooth so I can stream music with the added digital connection benefits for use with my other devices and also in the near future. The D 3020 looked like it ticked those boxes.
It's obvious I like NAD, what they do, they do very well without going overboard with marketing or specs that aren't needed for that price/class point of device.
Having had the transformer in mine replaced in the past under warranty, I felt like I was being dealt with by a single person who kept me in the loop, the technician called me from his workshop rather than my amp being put in a queue and me being given a reference number to check back with. The feeling of 1to1 with their support was welcoming. I'm sure other companies are similar but first impressions and all that...
I looked at the Onkyo units in the past which I like quite a lot but again it's not the kind of unit I'm after all things considered. I have a Xonar STX soundcard so have a capable source. I just want a quality discreet amp to drive my headphones and speakers (The Xonar has a headphone amp yeah but I prefer NAD's headphone amp sound, it's warmer) with bluetooth so I can stream music with the added digital connection benefits for use with my other devices and also in the near future. The D 3020 looked like it ticked those boxes.
In short, 16/44 audio is all you ever need as an "audiophile" and USB 1 or 2, even with overheads, is plentiful. With this amp, Nad have focussed on getting the required components right rather than filling it with unnecessary ******** in the name of marketing.
It's obvious I like NAD, what they do, they do very well without going overboard with marketing or specs that aren't needed for that price/class point of device.
Having had the transformer in mine replaced in the past under warranty, I felt like I was being dealt with by a single person who kept me in the loop, the technician called me from his workshop rather than my amp being put in a queue and me being given a reference number to check back with. The feeling of 1to1 with their support was welcoming. I'm sure other companies are similar but first impressions and all that...