I think my bikes too small???

10 Jun 2010
Well, I took my CBR600 FS1 out for it's first spin today, only up and down a country road.

I fear I may be too large for the bike, I'm 6'2 and no stranger to a sausage supper. While I'm not documentary fat, I'm still a big guy.

I felt like I was over crowding the bike and when I tucked in and put my head down, my knees and elbows as good as passed each other.

I heard from a few people I may be too large for sports bikes? I hope this isn't the case. Is it just this bike? Is it supposed to feel smallish to me?

I honestly don't have anything to compare it with being a new rider, my training bike was a CB500 and while it was small it was relatively comfortable, yes I did swamp it in a way... but it never interfered with the ride if that make sense.

Any tips or advice?
It's not to small for you mate. Sports bikes are supposed to be small, light, flick able things. I'm 6f 3 and 15 stone with leathers. I even used to like taking the ex missus nc30 out for a blast, but granted I must have looked a bit daft on that tiny thing. It was a hoot to ride though.

You'll get used to it.
You just need to find a bike that suits you, I am just over 6'1 and find most older sports bikes are suited for bigger riders, 2005 and earlier, after that and they all started getting a bit cramped.
I had a K4 750 before and a K5 1000 now.
I'm 6ft 5 & couldn't get on with my ZX7R Ninja, Did a 1000 miles on it but after an hour or so things got uncomfortable & I literally had to unfold myself when getting off after a couple hours ride.
I ended up getting an Adventure bike a BMW F650 Funduro & I can ride that forever without any aches & I can use it in any weather.
Horses for courses I s'pose but I am getting on a bit now.
I'm 5'9 and my bike feels fairly cramped when i'm tucked in, you are pretty much lying down on it so I wouldn't worry about it, plus how often do you do the full racing crouch?
Try an aprillia rsv mille they are quite tall, and that v twin power will always raise a smile.

I second this. I'm not exactly a small chap myself, but the RSV is a very roomy bike and I can happily do several hundred miles on it without needing surgery on my arse.
I second this. I'm not exactly a small chap myself, but the RSV is a very roomy bike and I can happily do several hundred miles on it without needing surgery on my arse.

I laughed at that. I was pretty comfy on the bike and I don't think I'd be sore riding it for a prolonged period of time.

I'm sure I'll be fine, thanks for all the reassurance. One thing... It's a hell of a lot more difficult to control than the bike I trained on, wow! the throttle is very twitchy compared to the CB500. Obviously it was the first time I was on the bike and it will take some getting used to.
I'm sure I'll be fine, thanks for all the reassurance. One thing... It's a hell of a lot more difficult to control than the bike I trained on, wow! the throttle is very twitchy compared to the CB500. Obviously it was the first time I was on the bike and it will take some getting used to.

That's quite funny as the CBR600 is one of the most easy to control and least "twitchy" sports bikes out there! :)

When I stepped from my ZXR750 to an RSVR I almost had a heart attack first time I tried to gently roll the throttle on out of a tight-ish bend. Cue a monumental rear slide, snap back in-line when it gripped almost high-siding me, front comes up as it hits the power hard and me desperately trying to hang on for grim death! Made the ZXR750 feel like a 2 day old kitten where the RSVR was a mountain lion.
It's an fs1, so a 2001 model? I understand that the early fuel injection was sketchy on those. I had a 2000 model cbr600f, Y reg, and it was hard to be smooth at low revs. Is that the kinda thing you're experiencing?

I think the CBR has a short cockpit, I had an Aprilia RS125 before the Honda and that was more spread out. I'm 5 foot 9 and I've gotta say the riding position never felt 100% right.
It's an fs1, so a 2001 model? I understand that the early fuel injection was sketchy on those. I had a 2000 model cbr600f, Y reg, and it was hard to be smooth at low revs. Is that the kinda thing you're experiencing?

I think the CBR has a short cockpit, I had an Aprilia RS125 before the Honda and that was more spread out. I'm 5 foot 9 and I've gotta say the riding position never felt 100% right.

It is indeed an FS1, not quite as forgiving as the standard CBR600F. It's a sort of hybrid between the RR and F. So no ****ging haha.

It's probably just because it was my first time on it and me being new to riding.
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