The ultimate in "WTF" problems...
Ok, the story goes like this:-
Asus A8N-SLI - I used the 36GB Raptor to setup Vista cos the 40GB Maxtor was starting to show its age, plus I wanted SATA instead of IDE...
the Raptor had issues... Like I said, it worked fine as long as I didnt try to do anything with it other than use it.... Ok for 99% of people, but not for me.
So, I brought it down to the DS3 & Conroe box... Same thing.
( This is where I added my 2p worth up there )
Now, this is what I have just been doing for the last half hour...
I put it in the NF7S PC. PM8 saw it just fine!
I put it into the DFI LanParty, that was it as bad
Ok, 3 64 Bit PCs saw it as bad, but the one 32Bit PC saw it as good?
I threw it into the KD7 and it was fine again...
Ok, the NF7S uses SIL3112 SATA Controler, that sees it fine.
The 64Bit PCs use NForce, Intel and Gigabyte, but I ran it through the DS3's controlers again quickly and all those saw it as bad...
Here is what I did next...
I have an SIL3112 SATA Card here... Thatsthe very same controler as the Abit NF7S Mobo is...
I tested the Drive on the NF7S via the card and it was fine, so I put the card into the MSI Neo2 and guess what? - it failed to read?????
Go figure that one out????
Everything I have done in the last hour / half hour is only run between a number of my PCs and I have found that no matter what controler I use, if I use the drive in a 32 Bit PC, it reads fine... If I use a 64Bit PC, then it sees the Partition as BAD???
This just has to be the most weirdest issue I have come across in my PC lice so far, Im sure of that.
Anyway, what I am doing right this very minute, is somehtign that I recon I should have done a while back...
Ratyer than just re-format the partition over and over again, I have actually removed the partition information completely, and I have re-partitioned it as the full 36 GB and I am formatting it normally rather than slowly. ( Although its the very same hting but checking the sectors afterwards ) and tahts up there now plonking along ( I hope ) in the NF7S ( cos that assumes the disk is fine ) and I will then take it to a 64Bit PC.
FWIW the PCs Used are all running different OS'es - Win2K, XP Home, XP Pro, XP64 and Vista32 Ultimate.