I think my Raptor is dying?

27 Jan 2005
Expat in HK
Performance has degraded over last few months despite defragging, clearing programs and an eventual reformat. Ran HDD Health and I have 1 uncorrectable sector count, 14 UltraDMA CRC Error count and 1 Write Error Rate, whatever that all means. I've been told 0 should be the numbers of a healthy drive.

Anyway, does the fact that I have an unhealthy drive (to what extent, I don't know as everything is still functioning) mean cloning everything on the drive to a new drive is a hazardous procedure?

edit: Just ran WD diagnostics and passed SMART test and extended bad sectors test. Hmmm.
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Only last week, I started to have a silly problem with my Raptor too!

Windows seems to be ok with it for the most part, but under the Disk manager, it just shows up as BAD.

I have even used it to install Windows, and it seems well enough for general use, but HDTach wont test it, Partition Magic 8 and Disk MAnager all see it as bad, yet it works fine... I have filled it up with junk, leaving about 1 GB free and I have defragged it and it works fine, but can I get it to work properly?

WinVista and Partition Magic cannot do anythign with it because they both see a BAD disk?

I have downlaoded the WD Diagnostic tools just a few minutes ago and I wil do some tests upstairs cos this PC here has a few WD drives and I dont want to go wrecking data off a good drive... Just in case!!
Interesting FatRakoon. Out of curiosity what year does your drive lose it's RMA-ability. Mine is set for 2010, so a few more years yet.
Not sure?

It was manufactured in MAY 2003 and I cannot find the Receipt from when I bought it, so not sure how WD are with that... I cannot even remember where I got it from either? - one of the biggest downsides to having loads of PC kit from loads of various suppliers is that you cant remember where half of it is from???

But since the Drive has a 5 year Warranty, it was only made 4 years ago, means that I have had it less than 4 years of course.... It is under the Warranty but are WD going to honour it ?

The ultimate in "WTF" problems...

Ok, the story goes like this:-

Asus A8N-SLI - I used the 36GB Raptor to setup Vista cos the 40GB Maxtor was starting to show its age, plus I wanted SATA instead of IDE...

the Raptor had issues... Like I said, it worked fine as long as I didnt try to do anything with it other than use it.... Ok for 99% of people, but not for me.

So, I brought it down to the DS3 & Conroe box... Same thing.

( This is where I added my 2p worth up there )

Now, this is what I have just been doing for the last half hour...

I put it in the NF7S PC. PM8 saw it just fine!

I put it into the DFI LanParty, that was it as bad

Ok, 3 64 Bit PCs saw it as bad, but the one 32Bit PC saw it as good?

I threw it into the KD7 and it was fine again...

Ok, the NF7S uses SIL3112 SATA Controler, that sees it fine.
The 64Bit PCs use NForce, Intel and Gigabyte, but I ran it through the DS3's controlers again quickly and all those saw it as bad...

Here is what I did next...

I have an SIL3112 SATA Card here... Thatsthe very same controler as the Abit NF7S Mobo is...

I tested the Drive on the NF7S via the card and it was fine, so I put the card into the MSI Neo2 and guess what? - it failed to read?????

Go figure that one out????

Everything I have done in the last hour / half hour is only run between a number of my PCs and I have found that no matter what controler I use, if I use the drive in a 32 Bit PC, it reads fine... If I use a 64Bit PC, then it sees the Partition as BAD???

This just has to be the most weirdest issue I have come across in my PC lice so far, Im sure of that.

Anyway, what I am doing right this very minute, is somehtign that I recon I should have done a while back...

Ratyer than just re-format the partition over and over again, I have actually removed the partition information completely, and I have re-partitioned it as the full 36 GB and I am formatting it normally rather than slowly. ( Although its the very same hting but checking the sectors afterwards ) and tahts up there now plonking along ( I hope ) in the NF7S ( cos that assumes the disk is fine ) and I will then take it to a 64Bit PC.

FWIW the PCs Used are all running different OS'es - Win2K, XP Home, XP Pro, XP64 and Vista32 Ultimate.
I got the DIAG tool... It says the drive is fine.

You know... A few years ago, I bought a 20GB IBM DeskStar... Now this cost me an arm and a leg back then...

The drive would install just fine, and run perfectly fine, then, something like 2 to 4 weeks later, after running perfectly fine, it would just trash itself???

Nothing I could do, could get it back... Except...

If I unplugged the drive, set it to slave re-plugged it, then it would work perfectly.... For a further 2 to 4 weeks, then it would just trash itself... And son on...

I got hold of IBM who then told me abotu some diagnostics app that kept telling me the drive was fine, and I had to then get it to give me an RMA number anyway ( on IBMs advice ) cos the diag program never found any issues

I sent it off to IBM who sent it back saying it was fine.

I told them that it takes 2 to 4 weeks of being great before it dies.

I sent it back and they again said it was good,

I re-sent it again for a third time and once again, it came back once again.

I still got that drive, it was never repaired and it still trashes itself after a few weeks, so I use it for temp stuff and its flawless for that, but not for anythign else.


I recon this drive will be the same...

seems to work great until....
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