I want a new shooter, BF3 or MW3 ?

Been playing the tribes ascend beta and its 100% awesome, this is going to be a hugely succesful game!

Its free to play, grind/pay for items so it will be absolutely massive when it comes out.
Been playing the tribes ascend beta and its 100% awesome, this is going to be a hugely succesful game!

Its free to play, grind/pay for items so it will be absolutely massive when it comes out.

Yeah TotalBiscuit keeps saying on his channel that it is (so far) better than both MW3 and BF3 by a long way.

I think CS:GO and Ghost Recon On-line / Future Soldier may also find a decent following.
Good graphics are a nice perk, but at the end of the day, just that, a perk
It doesn't matter what it looks like if its glitchy, runs like garbage, or has gameplay issues
(as a general comment only, not directed at these 2)

I would personally say BF3 provides the better tactical + team/squad based experience

However for the 10/20/30 minute wonder cod (not mw3, but cod in general) provides a more "jump right in" feel

If you play regularly with your friends, bf3
If you play strictly when you get a minutes free, mw

Neither of these are a "prefered" genre (bit tired of every other fps being a war sim) so I don't think I'm being overly bias towards either

I will say both games could/should had handled their multiplayer capability a hell of a lot better than they have done. Having to launch origin, and then having origin launch a browser, and only then having the browser launch the game is a complete PITA especially the first few uses when you are trying to map out controls/binds
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MW3 is just MW2 with slightly different kit and maps, although strangely I found it worse.

BF3 without a doubt out of those two then, if you want a COD online fix play COD4:MW.
Quite clearly it isn't. I'm sure somebody would have said something by now if MW2 Discs were being sent out in MW3 packaging. If you meant that the gameplay is similar to the previous MW games, then why doesn't the same apply to BF3? Seems the same as the previous iterations to me.

Same applies to BF3, but to a lesser extent. I haven't played either but BF3 looks rather similar to BC2. Personally I'm not interested in either BF3 or MW3 for these reasons, amongst others.
BF3 isn't anywhere near BC2. BC2 was fairly slow paced and generally ended up being one sided on most games or quite a stalemate.

BF3 is far far superior and things can and do change in a heartbeat. you're constantly having to adapt, change tactis, use different classes throughout your squad with your team mates, if you don't you will lose the map.

It's hard to exaplin but BF3 really emerses you and makes you concentrate hard, whereas BC2 can be a lot more lone ranger and just general spam. E.g. A tank aided by a good Engineer and protection squad can cause absolute Havoc and change a game, but then Jets and Attack choppers can also sort that out swiftly, that's if they arn't already being pinned back by enemy air/AA. But then again that pesky tank could be killed by just one crazy fool with a bit of C4.

Mental game and amazing when playing with a good team of guys communicating through Mumble/vent/TS
Probably asked a million times, but I only have the cash for one of the 2 and I'm not sure which:

Upgraded my pc ( i7 @ 3.4 ghz, 12gb 2000mhz ram, GTX570, SSD, etc...) and want a new game to play.

Bf3: I played this at a mate, thought it was hard to get into, I still miss skirmish with bots and vehicles. I loved 1942, I liked Vietnam, and I loved BF2 and played 1942 (and it's mods, forgotten hope and Desert Combat) and BF2 to death. I didn't particularly like BC2, I still have it on steam but barely ever touch it.

MW3: Not seen/played this yet, but I still play CoD4 sometimes, I loved all CoD's until CoD4, I still liked WaW, I thought MW2 was a bit meh (more of the same as cod4, but enjoyed the SP campaign) and ****ed at the lack of dedi server so didn't buy that, finished SP and occasionally play it at mates on ps3 splitscreen. I never seen or played Black ops and pretty much skipped that due to loss of interest. Now there's MW3 and I barely know anything about it, if I liked cod4, will I like this ? I have a bit more mates with bf3 willing to play it with me, but I have a couple of people for both games to play with.

Which would you pick in my situation and why ?

look at the bf3 thread then look here, then look back at MW3 thread then look here. BF3 thread has 1.1million views vs mw3 has 33k, your hand is now a calculator
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