I want to fly!

11 Sep 2003
Hello Gaming addicts,

I wondered if any of you can recommend a good game that involves flying around a lot and perhaps blowing things up?

I don't mind if its modern day or futuristic but I would also like to buy a joystick/controller sort of thing to slap on the desk!

Last good game I played was X-wing about 10 years ago, I enjoyed being in the star wars universe lol! :o
Chris [BEANS] said:
Lock On is apparently very good but complicated.......
silversurfer said:
The most obvious answer would be bf2 or 2142
Thanks for replies, not heard much about lock-on but BF2 is on my list of games to play, does that involve a lot of flying then?

Re the flying bit I want it to be realistic but too complicated lol! ;)
stinka said:
you've got to get battlefield [2?] if you havnt played it

i was addicted to 2142 from november last year having only just cut down to a couple of hours a week from several hours per day
Is that BattleField 2 yeah? I heard its good but didn't hear much about the flying bit?

You guys got joysticks and stuff then?
Lock On
Battlefield 2
Battlefield 2142
Wings Over Vietnam/Europe
Freespace 2
X3: Reunion with XTended Pack

Thanks guys, quite a list there!

I read about X3, it seems to be a space trading game but with amazing visuals, may have to check that out.

Which of these games 'demand' a joystick/rudder thing?
FrostedNipple said:
tbh, bf2 and bf2142 are mainly first person shooters
Yeah that was my understanding too, however I am sure they are great FPS games (which I do play too) but I was just fancying getting myself a joystick and flying off into the sunset lol!

So which is the most popular 'pure' flight game then? like what do the hardcore flying-game freaks play? (or would that be one of the games that takes 20mins to even take off lol!).
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